You can shop around until you are blue in the face but you still won't be able to supply OCR anywhere near the cost of s,c&l. As for getting more done with OCR I can't honestly say because I haven't done enough larger jobs with OCR but I have just worked out that I get between 30 to 35m.sq of plain render finished per day and about 25m.sq of panelled work( allowing for two coats and beading), these are not just on nice big straight forward areas but an average, but I would be interested to know how much more can be achieved with OCR as it could be useful in certain circumstances. As for better more consistant finish well I can only say that I only ever get comments about how good my render looks and what a nice even colour it dries( even though it will be painted) and I have seen some dreadfully uneven finishes with OCR as I have with s&c. I've been at this a long time and have never had a problem with my work crazing( although I have seen plenty of jobs where they have).
I'm always open to the newer ideas and products, when you're in this trade for a long time you have to be don't you, I'm on my third different type of finish plaster on s&c(siraphite,siraphite B & multi finish), so if the figures stack up I'll have another look at OCR for my plain render.