Wooden dowels bullnose corners


New Member
Wooden dowel beads cracking new skim because of water expansion and drying out shrinkage

Do you rip out the old wooden dowel and bead (bringing the house down) or secreat the wood from moisture using a plasticized tanking agent and carry on ????
In my experience gaffa tape over and bead and then go over that with scrim tape either side and BOOM
You can either dig them out neatly either side, bond and plaster out from them leaving them exposed if you want to keep them

or bead them and scrim tape each side to avoid cracking.

some would say they need ripping out if beading (cut them top and bottom) or they’ll still crack but I’ve never had a problem with just scrimming personally
You can either dig them out neatly either side, bond and plaster out from them leaving them exposed if you want to keep them

or bead them and scrim tape each side to avoid cracking.

some would say they need ripping out if beading (cut them top and bottom) or they’ll still crack but I’ve never had a problem with just scrimming personally