worst 1 minute of my life today

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me my wife and 2 year old went to see my 5 year old in school play ,as it was starting i gave my 2 year old a polo mint and he choked on it got stuck in his throat big time took me a minute of hanging him upside down and thumping him.luckily it was a polo so cud still breath but in pain eventually i turned him over and did it below his chest and it came out thank phuck i can truly say i shat my pants .the only good thing its reminded me that phuck all your so called problems they are nowt

enjoy your kids
Kin ell :-0

I remember my eldest choked on a cola cube once :-0
kin scary 5hit ain't it!
truly horrible and i spose a little stupid on my part i mean we usually cut grapes up for him as a local kid died choking on one how bads that.now im going to be a mare checking everything
my daughter nearly choked to death on an ice cube a few years ago when she was just 3. It happened at a friends house while we were all outside in the garden watching the footie and the kids were just running round doing their own thing. She was upstairs in the house and by the time she realised she was in trouble and made it out to the garden her lips had turned blue. Thankfully my missus is a nurse and was able to see staright away what was wrong and pulled off a heimlich maneouvre on her. That put an end to our afternoon of chilling. Have since taught her and her brother that if they see anyone in the same position they have full authority to punch then in the back as hard and as many times as they like until something comes out.
i remmeber when one of my girls were about 10months old and she got hold of a hair band left on the floor she was facedown when i looked at her then i walked over to pick her up to play and she had the thing half inside her! a fekin hairband! big long plastic thing! amazing she seemed unfazed by it! but it makes you go white! i like the fact that you say puts all your other problems at bay, its true not matter how hard work life can be its your kids that matter more and sometimes we ned reminding to slow down and spend more time with them :-)
yep they are so innocent and its the hardest job in the world keeping them safe.at home i have locks everywhere no decent furniture if they brake owt it dont matter and a lamminate floor cudnt imagine carpets.i cant get the scene out of my head i can only imagine the poor people who well you know

too much doom sorry people
when i moved in to my house i had a 2 month yr old .. we got new carpets 18 months later the new carpet came out!
wow i dinit relize i put that, its a good job iv got about 5 people reading frew every post i put on 2 comment on.
wow i dinit relize i put that, its a good job iv got about 5 people reading frew every post i put on 2 comment on.

man for someone your age you dont half type like a **** :p no offense Oasis, but its like some chav speak some of the posts you make :p
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