Itv now

You gotta watch this on new builds... one reason why I will never buy a new build

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Always thought new build houses were shite. .. this proves it...

Who buys a house that is leasehold? Idiots

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I totally disagree!

A good new build house with correct specs is a far better buy than older homes with no cavity's and such imo
Unfortunately it's not endorsed in this country to do self builds like on the continent, that would stir things up here tbh
Always thought new build houses were shite. .. this proves it...

Who buys a house that is leasehold? Idiots

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Big troubles with lease hold. Was on money Box a few weeks ago. I never new half of it. Shocking buy out clauses. Also never new the house don't belong to you at the end of lease if I heard that right? Not that anyone will live for the lease length
I totally disagree!

A good new build house with correct specs is a far better buy than older homes with no cavity's and such imo

that may be the case on paper but we all know they are lashed up as the person who is doing the work has no money in it....
Big troubles with lease hold. Was on money Box a few weeks ago. I never new half of it. Shocking buy out clauses. Also never new the house don't belong to you at the end of lease if I heard that right? Not that anyone will live for the lease length

yes basically you own the house but not the land it is built on... unless you can pick the house up and move it you are screwed!!!
My mate bought a new build and him and his wife love it... I walked around it and the finish is terrible and they needed to get permission from the builder to put a shed up in the garden... oh and that cost them £1k I think he said....
that may be the case on paper but we all know they are lashed up as the person who is doing the work has no money in it....
I don't know. Reading algee, Scottie and the other site guys anecdotes, sounds like there's money to be made on site if you got the know how.
Very regional thing leaseholds,

All 3 properties I've owned have all been leasehold in south Yorkshire.
I don't know. Reading algee, Scottie and the other site guys anecdotes, sounds like there's money to be made on site if you got the know how.

Oh yes... totally agree with that but we have all seen sub standard work (this is by ways a dig at site lads by the way) on some projects...
It's common in London and greater London, but I only heard of leasehold flats really never houses.
Ground rent, management fees, and renewal of short leasehold would put me off buying anything leasehold
It's common in London and greater London, but I only heard of leasehold flats really never houses.
Ground rent, management fees, and renewal of short leasehold would put me off buying anything leasehold

Yes I get that with flats :D

Mind you I own the freehold to my flat as well :D
The house we moved out of last year was a semi detached with a leasehold. I wasn't overjoyed about it but it was only £40 a year. We didn't apply to change anything so didn't know if there were any charges that came with it.
Kept getting letters to buy the freehold at £3500 but it was only a stepping stone to a bigger house so we didn't bother.
yes basically you own the house but not the land it is built on... unless you can pick the house up and move it you are screwed!!!
No you don't. You never own the house or land. It returns to the landlord at the end of lease. That's my understanding. Shocking if correct
Yes I get that with flats :D

Mind you I own the freehold to my flat as well :D
If a man owns a flat........and another owns the next one up.......does the one above owns the ones below ceiling? Just got me thinking........