Nela s*p*r*lex

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I wanted to skim the whole job lot but their surveyor wouldn't have it. I told him it wouldn't have taken much longer another half hour or so but he was bothered about it taking decorators longer etc, job was on a budget and beyond my control pal not lazy at all
Fair point Tim but if it's a dispute over a trowel full ?
Plus a trip to merchants to get some angle beads plus extra time to fit them and wait for them to set before skimming, they didn't want to pay mate
I was sorry but now am not lol it's just excuse after excuse professional pride surely take precedence here !
I once went to a job where they had skimmed a arch way and left half a foot all way round . You just have gone to edges rather then feather in . It was poor as well
No offense but that's a disaster.Thats just my opinion.
I've seen medi used start to finish, and its not great to be honest. Polished up well but felt ripply/dimply. No doubt paint would show it up too.