Advice please


New Member
Hello everyone,

I've just joined this forum for some advice on the best way to 'patch up' the recess in the wall in my picture. I'm a complete novice but want to have a go. The surface will be painted when complete and I want to know the best way to fill it ? Plasterboard ? If so how ? The thickness to fill is 85mm to 90mm. The dimensions are 52 X 55cm. Any advice would be much appreciated.


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Plaster board is either 9.5mm or 12.5mm thick leave a couple of mm for skin them fat suitable timbers to fill the gap, fix timbers around the inside then board and skim.
Plaster board is either 9.5mm or 12.5mm thick leave a couple of mm for skin them fat suitable timbers to fill the gap, fix timbers around the inside then board and skim.

Thanks, will the gaps in between the wall and the plasterboard be okay to fill with plaster whilst skimming ? Should I screw the timber to the wall and also the plasterboard to the timber or nail it? Any type of screw recommended? How thick can the plaster go as it will be a few mill deeper on one side ? Is the correct type of plaster to get finishing plaster? Also where's better for the plaster B & Q or wickes ? Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I get it right.

Frame the recess in 2x2 timber, screw it to the sides of the recess leaving enough room for Plasterboard and skim, use screws to fit the board, cut neatly to fit the recess. Use multi finish to plaster it.
If the wall is solid I would brick it up then you could use one coat plaster from wickes or b&Q as a d.i.yer. If you use plasterboard put some scrim tape between the board and existing wall before skimming over to blend in using the small bags(12.5 kg) of skim from wickes or b&Q.
A bottle of brandy for breakfast followed by 4 hours kip.....a sneaky stella to sort yourself out with steriophonics on in the background...should bring you around to looking at it again and thinking "do i really care"....then order food because you forgot to eat.
Then ..then a nice rolled up new £5 note should start your night in/out thinking .....why didnt i join this forum earlier xx