Advice please - what would you do here?

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Hi all, new guy here :RpS_thumbup:

On the picture with the green box, having placed some plasterboard in there (I've removed the top part of the frame area) it's got a slight dip as the other wall has a layer of plaster. I've tried skimming and trying to feather in before but I couldn't manage it and still had the dip after. Should I use backing plaster to bring it up then skim the whole wall? or?

The other question is about the door frame, I've read it's best to plaster first then architrave after.. but I can't see how this would work, do I skim all the way up to the frame or? bit confused here,

HUGEEEE thanks in advance for any replies, advice, tips etc

think you would be best off getting a plasterer in,, welcome

Great advice, I actually DID get one in and it was so terrible I decided to learn myself. I have done the ceiling in this room and 1 wall today, I'll upload a picture. Maybe not great but much better than the "plasterer" I paid to screw up the other rooms ceiling.
Advice please - what would you do here?

on that I would just use bonding coat and then skim the lot :) But I would take off the beads before I bond it out :D
Great advice, I actually DID get one in and it was so terrible I decided to learn myself. I have done the ceiling in this room and 1 wall today, I'll upload a picture. Maybe not great but much better than the "plasterer" I paid to screw up the other rooms ceiling.

Thats not too bad to be fair :D
Thank you, I do keep making mistakes as learning :RpS_cursing: so take them off then use the bonding coat to try and bring it all levelish ?

I've just realized I've plastered the inside of the cupboard so the 2 side beads are stuck in, anyway around this now or?
take them off or leave as is then bond it out... then re

Lots of ways to get over it :)

Nice one, I'll grab some bond tomorrow and have a go. Any idea on the other situation with the architrave? I've been reading a lot about it but still not sure
Great advice, I actually DID get one in and it was so terrible I decided to learn myself. I have done the ceiling in this room and 1 wall today, I'll upload a picture. Maybe not great but much better than the "plasterer" I paid to screw up the other rooms ceiling.

He wasn't a plasterer then! :RpS_cursing:
The word your looking for is chancer, was he cheap by any chance? :RpS_unsure:
The other question is about the door frame, I've read it's best to plaster first then architrave after.. but I can't see how this would work, do I skim all the way up to the frame or? bit confused here,

Skim up to the frame not over it then architrave afterwards once dry :RpS_thumbup:
If you need to bring the head out the beads prob dont line up. Rip top and left bead off or bead over them to meet the right hand bead as this is the level you need to achieve. You will have to reskim reveals in incupboard tho
Thanks for all the advice guys, I'm actually planning not to architrave the cupboard. The idea was to have it smooth to the wall.
He wasn't a plasterer then! :RpS_cursing:
The word your looking for is chancer, was he cheap by any chance? :RpS_unsure:

Looks that way, LTD company with 25years experience apparently. Live and learn, maybe he just had a bad day. Wasn't cheap at all, but the work looks it. Never mind I've sanded it all down and painted now and it looks ok... it also inspired me to buy a trowel and have a go myself.

After reading on here it shows there is a massive amount of chancers about.. I'd actually love to meet a "proper plasterer" now so I can drill him for tips and advice !
But if I skim with no archatrave on I can't see how I'd stop at the right point accurately, I'd either no go far enough which would leave a gap or I'd go to far and the arch wouldn't sit flush to the wall?

Also with the "bonding out" I've not done this yet.. I've purchased a bag of this stuff today. In the pic below, I assume I'm doing a layer of this bond over the plasterboard area as that entire area is slightly lower than the wall..? then skim the entire wall..?

If that is correct, will the bond stick to the plasterboard or will I need to pva it.. also when plastering the whole wall after.. obviously I pva the painted wall, what about the dried bond?

Many thanks and sorry for all the questions
If you go over the lining just scrape it off with a small tool using your thumb and forefinger as a guage and keep troweling and feathering in to the lining. It will crack tho with the shrinkage and expansion so when you get to decorating you will be filling and painting for a while ( I've done it).
Better option I've learned through experience is to run a stop bead around the lining flush with it.
No need to pva the board worz. You can skim the bonding without pva as soon as it's firmed up but if you choose to skim the next day just give it a real weak pva
Thanks for all the help, I've ripped off the left and top beads then done a layer of bond then fitted new beads. I hope this is what you meant as I was a bit confused :RpS_lol:

The architrave thing is still a bit confusing. If I take a piece and place it to the door or window it sits perfect on the wall, nice and level. So after plastering I will lose this level unless I skim over the wood which is not a good option, right? The only way I can see (from a stupid DIY'r point of view) is to fit the arch then skim up to it.. but them I will lose depth on the architrave. Or skim roughly up to where it will fit then sand away the excess.. but I can't imagine skimming up to nothing.. could get messy
But if I skim with no archatrave on I can't see how I'd stop at the right point accurately, I'd either no go far enough which would leave a gap or I'd go to far and the arch wouldn't sit flush to the wall?

Also with the "bonding out" I've not done this yet.. I've purchased a bag of this stuff today. In the pic below, I assume I'm doing a layer of this bond over the plasterboard area as that entire area is slightly lower than the wall..? then skim the entire wall..?

If that is correct, will the bond stick to the plasterboard or will I need to pva it.. also when plastering the whole wall after.. obviously I pva the painted wall, what about the dried bond?

Many thanks and sorry for all the questions

Your door frame should be 3mm sticking past where you are going to skim and work to the frame (trowel hard up to the wood) :)
Also if that cant happen etc plaster over the frame neatly , stick architrave on and cork the little gap between frame and architeave , or fix laths on to the frame obviously finished timber to bring the frame out :) hope this helps
let the chippy deal with it :RpS_thumbup:

When the 'plasterer' made my ceiling look like a melting ice cream I took a vow to take on all of this renovation alone (bar any plumbing etc) I'm not looking for perfection on this house otherwise I would call in a chippy. I managed to do the arch and skirting in the other room and it looks fine. I'm just trying to better myself as I move on to the next room(s) by finding out what the pros do, and the whole plastering up to door frames has me a bit bamboozled
Worz you can do as carl says by caulking it. Or just skim up to the architrave. We all do it when over skimming. Itll only be a couple of mm and you won't even notice
The Frame should be slightly proud of wall to skim upto if not plant a thin door stop on it to bring it out to give an edge to skim to or thinner strip using a thicknesses planer if got one. Fit architrave last flat to skimmed wall. Simples :RpS_unsure:
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