Any ideas for a fu6ked back?

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Well-Known Member
About ten years ago I had to have a disc out because of this job. Now I've gone and torn something because customers won't pay for my labourer, and I've been liftin them full buckets...
Been laid up two days now after chiropractor nearly damn crippled me.

Jobs to start all over...
Any ideas for a quick recovery?
I've all on gettin up for a p1ss at the moment!

Ill try the walks if Im a bit more mobile in the next day or two!!
One of the first times my back went it took me so long to get to the bog I told the missus that I was gonna use the sink cos it's closer. She was alright with that, all sympathetic and that like, until I asked her to pass the bog-roll :RpS_laugh:
But seriously, you need to make yourself stand as upright as possible and get walking. I know it hurts like a ******* but you're just gonna seize up even more if you don't get it moving. Others will give you different advice, but that's always worked for me marra :RpS_thumbup:
Sorry to here that you have a bad back as i have suffered from one for a long time to so i know how horrible it can be and as well as the constant pain there is also how miserable it can make you feel .Unfortunately the best thing you can do is rest it as much as you, i know that is not easy when you have to do a manual job to earn a living but you must think of the big picture and you dont want to do so much damage that you may have to stop work all together . Other than going to a chiropractor take Bubbles advice and try some gentle exercise your chiropractor he should be able to give you some advice on this . I am a keen runner an i find that it helps alot as it strengthens the core muscles and helps with posture , pain killers are great short term but should not be seen as the solution as they only mask the problem . Hope this helps and you get sorted soon .
How was your back ? what did you do to get it working, i have an ARTHRITIC KNEE after 1000 of m2 screeding /tiling ,to young for an op, just have to get -on with it and keep taking pain-killers it's a bit s**t but the NHS don't want to know bankers
Physio or one of those deep muscle massages........they nack like fcuk when you get them but u feel much better afterwards and ya wallet is a bit lighter but its worth it. keep ya back straight and drive (up) with ya knees when lifting to save ya back marra........:RpS_thumbup:
Not good for you mate lifting big buckets of gear is only going to feck you up more how old are you.
like beader says its to do with your core muscles the stronger they are it will support your back i did TKD for twenty years never any probs till i stopped for a while and then it kicks in again, sit ups and diaphragm breathing will help a lot, get well soon :RpS_thumbup:
Mix in smaller buckets. Or scoop out half of it before lifting it onto the ligga.

Topical ibuprofen gel on the bit that smarts. Don't sneeze, cough, laugh or fart and no sudden movements.
Cheers chaps.
I'm 39 and feel 69....still bed ridden pretty much. Looks like a week this climate!!
Cheers chaps.
I'm 39 and feel 69....still bed ridden pretty much. Looks like a week this climate!!

get the feck out of bed you lightweight.... a week! i learned to use the podger with mi left hand when i smashed my elbow, youngsters :rolleyes)
Cheers chaps.
I'm 39 and feel 69....still bed ridden pretty much. Looks like a week this climate!!
When there is nothing you can do about it ,you have just got to try and chill ,and hope the bank understand a bit !Best of luck with it ,but you will be on 7 day weeks when your back on your feet !
nothing worse than back trouble ceevee, it drains you physically,mentally, emotionly, try sleeping on the floor for a few nights, rest but walk as and when you can try and walk a bit more each day but dont overdo it, cod liver oil tablets each day, mackerel etc anything to keep joints supple and moving, try alternative massage/ medicines, these practioners can be expensive but can be worth it , baths with salt in the water, whenever possible when sitting down make a hot water bottle up and rest the pain against it, basically try anything anybody says but there is no overnight cure any of these remedies/ideas, take days weeks to have any effect if at all, all best hector
feel you man,
I once had an old lab (not a dog) working with me, I really put my back out, I could hardly move but was on a tight schedule.
One morning he turned up with some pills and said take these, I did,I felt all warm inside and the pain went within a couple of hours.
Thing is I cant remember what they were.
Happy days!

Hope you get sorted mate, good luck

Rock on!
Don't think they were, but then again I can't remember much about that day only that the work I did was magical:razz:
Come to think of it, that week just melted into one happy day

Rock on !
try votril tablets they are a powerfull painkillers that you can purchase from a chemist as they are no longer on prescription they will patch you up, check with the pharmacist if you are on any other medication
Votril malc or voltarol? Had the latter years back but can't remember what for....

Thanks for the well wishes all.
Hope your feeding a bit better. Use your time off to arrange finance for a Ritmo. All this mixing and listing and spreading is no good for the body. It hard work to.
bend with the knees, about all i can say mate. and if your backs chuffed always make sure you use a skiv to do heavy lifting, or you ll be fked good and proper.
You need a lab m8 tell the customer to f off. Do smaller hits, don't stretch etc sp many things you can do in work to put less strain on your body. Make sure you bend your knees when picking up those buckets!
CeeVee Im 39 as well, and for a long while I have always mixed up in the room I am working in, this way it saves on soo much lifting. Also half the time I scoop out of the bucket, so generally hardly any lifting.

Take it easy mate
I always see a physio once a month even when my back is ok, its like getting an MOT for my back.
i tore a disc and my chiropractor advised me to use an ice pack to reduce swelling and NOT Heat as this makes it worse apparently.... ice pack does help soothe the pain and try gentle stretching
This is what you need.

Any ideas for a fu6ked back?
I was talking to a bloke on site the other day about this very problem, as I suffer as well and what he told me was to get a hot water bottle that's been filled with hot water and hold it on your back for 10 mins, then get some frozen peas and hold it on your back for a further 10 mins, repeat the process a few times and he reckons its a miracle cure, haven't had chance to try it yet as i have been ok for a few weeks.
When I first moved into this house there was no shower fitted, I used to have a bath each morning before work for about a year.

I didn't have one niggle the whole year, previous to this I was always pulling muscles, bad hips etc. Must be something in it, maybe relaxing the muscles before you work them?
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