Consistent colour of finish plaster

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New Member
can anyone tell me how to achieve a consistent dry colour finish when skimming. Although my work is flat and good-when it dries it varies in colour over the work surface which takes away from the final look of the job.
Been using multi finish on hard interior walls-after the 1st levelling coat i apply the final flat coat when the first has started to set and polish up but when it dries it doesnt have that pleasing even colour I've seen on site.
any tips ? cheers ::)
to get a consistent colour with re-skims ....... use wickes bonding agent.
on site they are skiming on board most of the time..... so the finsh is gona be better.
to get a consistent colour with re-skims ....... use wickes bonding agent.
on site they are skiming on board most of the time..... so the finsh is gona be better.
cheers for that fella- i'd guessed it was due to the walls soakin up water and the pva at different levels so i'll try the Wickes bonder.
it might be because the backgrounds not nice and even like we have on site mate ....err most of the time ;D.........if you get any high spots/low spots the plaster will dry out slightly quicker/slower
Get your two coats on and then give it a dry rub then another with water you will see a more consistent colour as when you give it two polish with water you will get more water marks fat etc...
hi mate

i know what you mean sounds like i have the same problem as you to be fair..... lots of water marks not a good look...... but ultimately who cares if it dries spotted and green.... as long as it flat and good.. when painted its gonna look superb anyways.... ;)
When skimming board chaps use as little water as possible, thats the trick, first coat then flatten a bit after it picks up then second coat reasonably tight, flatten when second coat picks up a bit , wet trowel and then a cross trowel and bobs your uncle, least water as possible, trust me i'm a plasterer and have been for a long time.
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