
Never been tempted to get one, would like to know from anyone who has tried, what it was like?
Never been tempted to get one, would like to know from anyone who has tried, what it was like?
The handle is horrible and I'll be working on that, I straight away replaced the stupid little nuts and bolts for thicker ones, but it works bloody lovely.
I have one it’s a bit heavy and awkward to get used to and sort of pointless.
The handle is horrible and I'll be working on that, I straight away replaced the stupid little nuts and bolts for thicker ones, but it works bloody lovely.

Yes the felt brush.
I'm sure 'they' call it a flapper.

is it dapper ??

window cleaning tools are cheaper and they work.
just need constant clean water ...messy fuuckers but leave a tidy finish.
just looks odd when drying out but dries out perfect.
not sure why people use a sponge instead of these.
timings every thing with them.
get huge hits on.

might give it another bash its been years since i used them.


  • Flappers
    440 KB · Views: 325
  • Flappers
    590.4 KB · Views: 364
Well I'd guess that if you're not the sort of spread that ever lays a brush onto your finish it just won't make any sense, but if you're an 'old school' type you'd appreciate the lovely even way they put water on, and gently break the surface.
Not something I use on every hit but very useful nonetheless.

is it dapper ??

window cleaning tools are cheaper and they work.
just need constant clean water ...messy fuuckers but leave a tidy finish.
just looks odd when drying out but dries out perfect.
not sure why people use a sponge instead of these.
timings every thing with them.
get huge hits on.

might give it another bash its been years since i used them.

i bet 1stop are on it as we speak;)
£23,id like to try one out I must admit

get to halfords for a squegee @ £2.99 !!
flatten ...trowel up once.
cross with..
left hand squegee while right hand follows with 18" mt.
run around again to take excess water off.
quick polish and youve skimmed 60m in 2 hours.

youl get the site to yourself !!
get to halfords for a squegee @ £2.99 !!
flatten ...trowel up once.
cross with..
left hand squegee while right hand follows with 18" mt.
run around again to take excess water off.
quick polish and youve skimmed 60m in 2 hours.

youl get the site to yourself !!

dont squegee untill its nearly set.

"plastering squegee ltd".
I have similar one of these coming with my curry order from the United states of America but it’s not marshalltown think it was a Bon one
I have similar one of these coming with my curry order from the United states of America but it’s not marshalltown think it was a Bon one

i stopped using all that shite mate when flexes came out.
if your running anything on the wall pressure on the arms needs to come with it ....because you have to hit it towards the end of the set.
spats flexes etc are easier on the elbows and shoulders.....
keep us slogging on for longer:rayos:
Can you explain why you think they're pointless?
I can understand the point you made about the way it opens the skim a bit like a brush before you trowel it,but as I just use minimal water it’s pointless for me.But if it works for you then that’s good.The handle also was uncomfortable.I just prefer a flick of water from a brush.
Pointless for the price. I never ever ever use mine. Just a good brush will do. Splash the wall if needs be, wipe the trowel off etc.