How long would you leave Weber Ocr before skimming?

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s.p.t plastering

Active Member
Got liveing room/diner that has been hacked off back to brickwork and treated for damp, and got a few bags left over from a job so going to use this as bloke wants S&C.

After i've floated walls how long would you leave before plastering? was going to leave about 4-5 days....

Also i wouldn't need to pva would i?.....As i'm sure Ocr this has waterproofer init......
You should leave it a week really and it'll go off a bit quicker if you slim it the next day ........ If you want to errr on the side of caution leave it a week mate
Yeah i thought u where lol, the damp proof guys told him scratch leave for 2 weeks, float leave for 2 weeks and then skim...

I said up to you if you want to be without a front room for 5 weeks but you don't need to wait that long at all on internals, plus you don't have to scratch if no thickness...I'm not waiting that long hahaha
It might need to settle if the old bricks took a battering when he hacked them off you could leave it a week to be safe I've done stuff like this next day it's up to you
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