How to use SbeadFix tape to fix beads (VIDEO)

Good luck to you but I don't think it will take off looks like a lot of faffing around I could of nailed that quicker than to bead taped it
I liked the idea behind hook ons but they are deadly if you catch them. Good idea on paper this tape but don't think it's any quicker tbh
After a while you learn to grip them hard when pulling out the box, that was the main time I got cut when pulling them out and they catch and your hand slides down them
Still using your nela by the way when I skim, its turned into a lovely trowel
Well if it's on solid you generally gotta glue walls so knocking a bit of drywall or skim don't matter as your waiting anyway!
Also a lot of overskim work walls are s**t anyway so if anything is kicking out you can adjust to suit when sticking beads! Hands down the right and best way.
Well if it's on solid you generally gotta glue walls so knocking a bit of drywall or skim don't matter as your waiting anyway!
you could bead up first, PVA over tape and have a cuppa with the news paper while glue firms up.
New system to fix plaster/render beads
Right... I'm going to say something I didn't think I'd say as I've given you alot of s**t for it. I actually quite like it, you should of started with that video straight away though. IF British gypsum approved the tape that plaster stuck to it, I'd probably use it on dot and dabbed walls where it's hit and miss if you can get a fixing, and on solid walls
you could bead up first PVA
you could bead up first, PVA over tape and have a cuppa with the news paper while glue firms up.
You could stick beads with drywall PVA and have a McDonald's come back and get skimming! Don't see your point
How to use SbeadFix tape to fix beads (VIDEO)
Right... I'm going to say something I didn't think I'd say as I've given you alot of s**t for it. I actually quite like it, you should of started with that video straight away though. IF British gypsum approved the tape that plaster stuck to it, I'd probably use it on dot and dabbed walls where it's hit and miss if you can get a fixing, and on solid walls
i will be in touch with British gypsum soon then.
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I hope it takes off for you fella if it hits the sites you will be quids in so fingers crossed for you! I sincerely wish you all the best with it (y) just takes one foot in the door with the right people I suppose
thanks smooth