Internal waterproof rendering


New Member
I am converting two outbuildings into accommodation, they are part of a larger building which is already accommodation. The whole building is an L shape. One leg is being converted.
The walls to render in an L shape as well.
There is a west facing wall is Limestone and lime mortar.
Also a north wall which is a mix of Limestone and lime mortar adjacent to the west wall, further along it is blocks and Limestone cladding with OPC.
This wall has a road on the outside with a two foot verge, the road is three to four feet above the floor level inside and so water will get in. I have underpinned at the bottom so the render has to go on the underpinned concrete as well.
I have to render the inside of these walls and then apply Synthaprufe to waterproof as much as possible and then take the dpm up the walls. Then studding with 50mm Celotex infill and 25mm Celotex on top. Than plasterboard.

The mix is 3:1. Guessing at 10mm thick per coat.
What is the ratio of sharp sand to pit sand?
I have some decent waterproofer from Soverign chemicals.
How long do I wait after applying the first coat to apply the second coat?
I am going to use a tiling type float on the unnotched edge unless otherwise suggested.

Thanks for any advice.
I am converting two outbuildings into accommodation, they are part of a larger building which is already accommodation. The whole building is an L shape. One leg is being converted.
The walls to render in an L shape as well.
There is a west facing wall is Limestone and lime mortar.
Also a north wall which is a mix of Limestone and lime mortar adjacent to the west wall, further along it is blocks and Limestone cladding with OPC.
This wall has a road on the outside with a two foot verge, the road is three to four feet above the floor level inside and so water will get in. I have underpinned at the bottom so the render has to go on the underpinned concrete as well.
I have to render the inside of these walls and then apply Synthaprufe to waterproof as much as possible and then take the dpm up the walls. Then studding with 50mm Celotex infill and 25mm Celotex on top. Than plasterboard.

The mix is 3:1. Guessing at 10mm thick per coat.
What is the ratio of sharp sand to pit sand?
I have some decent waterproofer from Soverign chemicals.
How long do I wait after applying the first coat to apply the second coat?
I am going to use a tiling type float on the unnotched edge unless otherwise suggested.

Thanks for any advice.
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I don't think putting sand and cement render over limestone with lime mortar is a good idea either