Jub Acrylic 'melting off the wall like candle wax' ??

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I finished a rendering job on tuesday. We have had dry weather here in the midlands while all the work was being done.
Although it was chilly, we had no frost. I Used Jub primer and acrylic top coat to finish some sections of the job which were existing painted render and some on top of HP12 backing coat. It went on and rubbed up ok in the normal way.
but seemed slow to set but i put it down to the cold weather.
This customer is 'fussy' but was pleased with the job and paid up sweet.
Then Two days later I get a text to say the render top coat is
'melting off the wall like candle wax' and to get round straight away to sort it out!... I was away for a two days and not able to go back until today.

Has anybody experienced this?
What is going on?
Have I Fked up somewhere?
Is it fixable
Could it be a bad batch of Jub?

Any advice greatly appreciated that does not involve costing me a fortune this side of Xmas
It seems like it's water damage at this time of year it can happen 2-3 days later. Although no rain was forecast the humidity could have been hi etc. if it's dried properly you can scrape it's back and sometimes re top the hole panel being mindfull that when the sun hits it you can sometimes get a whiteness line. I would build it back out with top coat blending the edges in with a dry stipple brush and re top the whole panel. If still unsure put some pics up and you'll get plenty of help here.
I'm not a Jub applicator. But how long between priming and finish. If primer not allowed to cure this could be the case.or humidity on the primer.its hard to know without pics. Bad luck though.
I primed it.. two coats.. five days before top coat. The wall didn't seem damp when i applied top coat but i didn't touch test all of it of course. Also I didn't think a little dampness would be a big problem anyway.. that could be my mistake. Well You live and learn.
Been talking to supplier and reckon it was a combination of fog / atmospheric moisture dying the night along with the cold. The surface temperatures of the affected areas were 3 degrees even though the air temp was 10 degrees. Too cold for it to properly set. then the moisture came the second night and it started to fail,
then today when i was there it was raining... game over.
As dan says silicone does stand a bit more weather/humidity etc but still a nightmare this time of year. We've even tried space heaters with varying success. If a small panel my be worth a try
Ant I think you have a bit unlucky , we've done 30 houses in last two weeks and only had issues on a couple of properties due to overnight temps and high humidity, we prefer jub sili to other products as it does cure a bit quicker, they are developing a winter mix based on conni ts so hopefully come Jan this will be an option , but has been mentioned jut go straight over top ( scrape any porridge off and make sure its a nice sunny day, good luck

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Great idea rich. I look forward to going back and painting 150 houses in the spring

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Done the mineral and paint. Bit of faffing about but works in the cold. My problem is selling it to the customer. Mention paint and it's a no-no.
Paul whenever we have applied the "silicone resin" (paint) over the Mineral it has dried ultra quick as the mineral is porous where as the silicone bucket coat sits on the wall for days and can still wash off
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