old carbon trowel

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Bought a 14" MT carbon trowel about 2 yrs ago and it went rusty after one session as i never looked after it.

Im a big stainless fan now so never use it.

Its well rusted and was wondering can it be salvaged and brought back to life with a bit of tlc? If so what do i do.

Also do i need to just sort out the face of the trowel or does the back need cleaning up as well??

sand paper like monkey said, or if theres a pile of sand where your working rub it in that, then when ever your finished trowelling up, dry it and pat it on your clothes and the dust will keep it clean. make sure both sides are clean but the edges are the most important bit.
from the mists of time i rem old spreads sayin 2 leave it for a couple of days in flat coke (of the coca cola variety) if that helps
No a bin wont help! May be if you throw it on the side of the bin this may knock some rust off ;D
Sand paper, then after that either WD40 after use or if you forget and are on a domestic job... butter out the fridge.
Both my setters (big and small) are carbon and will always be even when i need new ones

Just use it mate it'll come back to life, especially if you use it with sand and cement. Well the business side will come back to life as for the other side you could use a flat sharpening stone for the edge and for the rest bit o sandpaper or a rust remover drill attachment.

i didn't grease mine up last xmas and after a week in a damp van they both rusted to bugggery but i did what i said above and they both survived nicely.

sharpening block is the way to go for the edges though. that's the main benefit, i think, of oldskool steel, which is that you can sharpen and shape it much more easily than stainless. My labourer (the wazzock) during an unauthorised touching of my setter, dropped it and nicked the edge (this is why you ain't allowed to touch it, brains) it took him an hour (in the van on way home)with a sharpening stone to take the nick out and re sharpen the blade edge. this takes a lot longer with stainless
tell me about it spredz, my lab did exactly the same, only with a stainless. i didnt let him fix it though, he'd only make it F*****g worse! he didnt understand that its the trowel that makes the money so it needs to be looked after.
yeah maan what is it with labourers and doing stupid things (in general) let alone touching my setter... he may as well be trying to touch my todger it just aint on.

I did finish off the edge myself mind

dont even get me started about another labourer who nearly started scraping the floor with my setter afterhaving seen me do it with an old shitttter rendering trowel.

packing the van is another one....why is it that it looks like a grenade went off in the back of my van every time a labourer tries to pack all the gear back on even though you've told them where everything lives plus they unpacked it in the first place.

labourers are like women, can't live with them or without them....mostly..!
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