
On Qoubz to in high resolution
Subscription only, listening now on the hifi, sounds good.
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You're very much welcome, I was in bands from 15 to my late 20's.
Would have loved to have had music streaming and YouTube plus social media back then.
As I've said to Dan, the music they make will be there for ever now.
Do you have any old recordings of your stuff Paul?
seriously and i mean seriously , what is a palp
Palp or palps is often used to shorten palpitations. Palps are also the feeding mouthparts of some insects.
In this instance it's the name of the band my son is in. They write all their own stuff, no covers whatsoever. If you listen to the lyrics they're quite dark, often talking about depression and mental health issues. I think you'd like it Hector.
That really is a shame mate. Would be fantastic to listen back to your youth and the music you created.
It was the age of the tape and they got ruined by being left in the garage. Do have some old demo's I did myself when I had a digital porta studio, they'll be on an old hard drive somewhere, should dig it out and upload them to sound cloud.