Protecting brickwork when tyroleaning

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New Member
Is there much tyroleaning goin on these days? Anyway, you know those rusticated quoins that run up the corners of a house or arches over doors and windows, in fact any decorative brickwork that needs to be maintained as a feature. Well, mix some sand with plenty of plasticiser in a bucket with your paddle (Its a tricky one without a binder, but possible) Then spread a thin coat all over the bricks etc. Your now ready to tyrolean. When youve finished, by this time the sand has dried out, it should all scrape off with your floor scraper and a final brush off to finish. Works like a good un ;)
surely its just as easy to buy a roll of building paper or thin polythene and tape everthing up. itll stay on as long as you need it to. then just pull it off when your finished? ??? ???
remember the first tyrolean job i did. was only bout 19. happily spraying away, thought, ill wash the bricks after every panel....

u can guess what happened
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