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Yi na these stilts that all the youngins use these days,ah thought that it was against health ans safety on proper sites.In case yi fall ower like n git a claim in
If you break your leg ,will the builder pay you for the next two or three months while you recover from the break.?
Using's all in the mind:rolleyes)
You won't fall of them if your a pro!!
Personaly i think stilts are as safe as planks .Unless the complete floor is planked out,you can still fall off planks and hop ups !!!!

I use both stilts and planks . i used to prefer planks but incresingly using the stilts.
If working alone i wil 9/10 use planks and hop ups ,cus if i gotta get off stilts to make new mix+ struggle lifting to the high spot+ walking back and forth to spot all time.
If on stilts with LAB i get it fed to me direct and usaully do 2 ceilings at a time if size allows.
Another good thing with planks /hop ups is (time allwoing) you can bring wall /walls in also at same time but with stilts this ofeten aint possible cus stilts on off on off on off.
So for me personally i use whats needed for that job on that day with stills prob just edgeing it.
Nobody answered the question! If your working for a builder he will want you to use your stilts,because he doesnt have to bother orgainising a few planks and hops,but if your working on a polished floor ,tiled floor or any smooth surface ,it will get wet with water or maybe some skim and you will slip and break your b*ll***s no matter how professional you might think you are[nisus] and where does that leave you.Do you ask to be payed while out of work from the builder,do you go see your solicitor and bang in for compo,or do you sit at home like a cock for the next couple of months till you heal.None of these opions are good,so before you think your a great fella [look at me on stilts aint i fantastic]Think of your safety first.Stilts are for clowns.
i have been useing stilts twenty years and i think i have fallen off twice no harm done ithink it be very hard to break your leg on them because your tided in so well u tend to fall strat out flat not saying u could brake them guy i used to work for fell through skaf broke both ankles nastey so skaf not full proof either thats life
think the most danger comes from landing with your trowel in your hand but just sling it to one side when your falling and all should be ok, but the fact your going to put your hands out to protect yourself as a natural reaction will most likely result in broken wrists or atleast very sore one, worth the risk tho, plus when you get off them after being on them for a while you walk like a cowboy, yehaw!
when i went a tumbling, my natural instinct was to throw my trowel out of the way, or it may have been i just waved my arms like a girl and let go of it by accident
I but are these things alowed on a proper site where you have to flash youe C.S.C.S (which is quite obvious not a lot of people have).Ive never used or will use stilts so just wondering
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i found ur so long falling ur ready for it buy the time u hit the ground iwoundent go back to skaf i remember drageing a round loads of planks and hop ups now i just go in put my stils on away u go and when ur on your last trowel u can put on tops of wall no waiting to get skaf out lot less work and more skim on when i often got work off other spreads doing there lids years ago before stils became common place
Nobody answered the question! If your working for a builder he will want you to use your stilts,because he doesnt have to bother orgainising a few planks and hops,but if your working on a polished floor ,tiled floor or any smooth surface ,it will get wet with water or maybe some skim and you will slip and break your b*ll***s no matter how professional you might think you are[nisus] and where does that leave you.Do you ask to be payed while out of work from the builder,do you go see your solicitor and bang in for compo,or do you sit at home like a cock for the next couple of months till you heal.None of these opions are good,so before you think your a great fella [look at me on stilts aint i fantastic]Think of your safety first.Stilts are for clowns.
Since when the fcuk does a builder tell me how I'm going to plaster a ceiling??:huh:
I've got my own planks, hop ups etc.
So I decide wether I use stilts or hop ups or planks, not the builder!!
Also i only use them on concrete floors or floors that i have duck taped hardboard down onto a SLIPPY SURFACE!!
And I don't THINK I'm professional SPREADS I know I am.:RpS_thumbup:
That is why i know when it is safe to use them or not safe to use them.:RpS_wink:
You've obviously never used them that's why you think know everything about them.:RpS_laugh:
And no I wouldn't excpect anyone to payed IF I fell. Which I wouldn't.:RpS_wink:

Did that answer your question?

Nisus at work jpeg
Well Nisus your awake again.Ive worked of stilts before and I use them if it suits me [if its just a ceiling to be done]I probably know more about the game than you in fact im sure I do .I didnt learn my trade over some weekend course that the government is running to get the dole queues down.I was thought properly by pros and have worked with the best,so dont kid yourself too much,nice photo!
Bet your a courser really :RpS_biggrin:

Ok your 2 years older than me so I'll give you that.
But I started work 2 years early so......:RpS_thumbup:

P.s Sara_spread asked how you are:RpS_biggrin:
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