Trump man of action


Well-Known Member
obama always shirked this call.

Although I do no like wars, what's happening in this country needs addressing especially as the west made it all the worse. Assad and Isis need eliminating
obama always shirked this call.

Although I do no like wars, what's happening in this country needs addressing especially as the west made it all the worse. Assad and Isis need eliminating
Yes the grammar is appalling too :estudioso:
Looks like they used the gas to get a reaction and it has worked, but were the Russians behind it and why?
False flag followed by rapid response , can't see it being anything else.
Well known the whole thing was started by whom ??? Along with destabilizing every other place in the Middle East.
We've got weapons to sell don't you know!!! And then there's those lucrative reconstruction deals hmmmmm Ker- ching :cachetada:
Good old democracy hey !!
We've been bombing , shooting, burning , crushing you name it hundreds of thousands of civilians for years but hey our bombs etc are good bombs and besides it's just collateral damage:sisi:
Anyone buying into any media fed fantasies needs a little chat with themselves.
He couldn't lose once they replaced sanders with Hilary, wake up man.

Rubbish, trump was never supposed to win. The media and every world leader wanted the evil Clinton, except Putin they would have you believe
Rubbish, trump was never supposed to win. The media and every world leader wanted the evil Clinton, except Putin they would have you believe
Stop being silly it was a personality contest, he had no real plan which is starting to become obvious the same as brexit.
Stop being silly it was a personality contest, he had no real plan which is starting to become obvious the same as brexit.

Really ? Look at all the financial figures, jobs what he said is all happening. Stop reading leftist news you may start seeing the truth
You and I both know Clinton was supposed to win, just like remain was meant to win, hence all the butt hurt from all the liberal luvvies and news media ever since.
You and I both know Clinton was supposed to win, just like remain was meant to win, hence all the butt hurt from all the liberal luvvies and news media ever since.
People thought remain would win because brexit was such a stupid idea so a lot didn't vote,
People are just fkin r******d and yanks possibly more brainwashed than any ,
You could put a pot plant in office with enough bullshit they'd go along with it.
Cos trust me he's about as instrumental in any plans or decisions as one.
You can't seem to get yer head round the concept it's a charade , a poor joke and it's on you !!
People are just fkin r******d and yanks possibly more brainwashed than any ,
You could put a pot plant in office with enough bullshit they'd go along with it.
Cos trust me he's about as instrumental in any plans or decisions as one.
You can't seem to get yer head round the concept it's a charade , a poor joke and it's on you !!

I do get it, but trump is the exception this time he is anti establishment anti globalisation.
I do get it, but trump is the exception this time he is anti establishment anti globalisation.
Lol yeah just like obama was going to be and do this n that .
Trust me if he had any good in him and was gonna stand up against corruption
He wouldn't be where he is he'd be dead.
Lol yeah just like obama was going to be and do this n that .
Trust me if he had any good in him and was gonna stand up against corruption
He wouldn't be where he is he'd be dead.

Give it time he has only been in office just over 100 days lol
I have to admit...... did like it when he said is not our business and we will keep out. Second and even worse Iraq?