Weber approved

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Just wondering if any 1 is a approved weber applicator and how do you become one and also is it expensive?? Cheers for your help again ian
We're approved , you need to contact weber and they will come out and monitor your work until they are happy with your standard .
no charge involved ,it also depends if they are taking on any more applicators.
I was told by P Rigby that I would need to turn over a certain amount of £ turnover with them.

There are plenty of other good companies that will approval after training and a visit or two.

Maybe though if you was Weber approved they may well bull the customer in both Weber's and your own favour instead of pulling the wool over the customers eyes and blaming you for their faulty manufacturing.

SAS and Envirowall respects their applicators.
Yer just a architect has specified the weber xp system and I don't think u can even buy the material unless you are approved
I,m approved weber applicator ,for what it,s worth mate , long time ago now ,just get out there, do a good job ,take loads of pictures ,so new customers can see your work and give it a drive by if they want to
the trick is to get the manufacturers wanting to get you on the applicators rather than the other way round.
Lol yer I am not to fussed about being registered but they reckon I can't even buy the materials for the job unless I am a approved aplicator lol
Ahhhh.....the XP system?

yes you have to go on their XP training before they will sell you the XP material. But may have to go on their ewi course first.

i think there is a difference though between being being on their traing courses and being on their approved list. I have been on the Monocouche course and ewi course but I am not on their approved contractors list. That apparently as per my previous post is if you spend mega bucks per year with them and yer face fits then your on.

But for your needs it may just be the two training courses or get the architect to accept another equivalent manufacturer. I am going through t his now. The unusual architects drawings with Sto specs.

Will be be starting another thread about that later.
We're approved , you need to contact weber and they will come out and monitor your work until they are happy with your standard .
no charge involved ,it also depends if they are taking on any more applicators.

Do you get much more work been as your approved, do Weber pass on leads from private jobs ? Can you buy direct if your approved ? thanks.
Do you get much more work been as your approved, do Weber pass on leads from private jobs ? Can you buy direct if your approved ? thanks.

15 years ago it was the case but then the specialist field of eifs was carried out by specialist instllers.

so many companies on the approval lists now I am sure if you are a 1 man band who only spends a few grand a year and number 385 on the list for your area then your pretty much p155ing in the wind is how it is. the likely story is that they will send out the top 4 names of the companies who spend tens of thoushands.

Reputation is everything. nothing will get you more chance e of work than pride in your work and a quality quality install. both manufacturers reps and customers will notice a quality installer how ever big or small.

you could be on every list in the uk but if you half ar5ed at your job then they will soon push you 0ut the que.......oh did I mention you also need to be the cheapest aswell

Thanks plasterjfe, we'll I only turn out quality work as I'm very fussy but I'm surprised they want cheapest because cheapest and quality don't normally go together !
I'm approved by a few systems but I get very little back in terms of leads/projects from the manufacturers
They do round my way dude.

Problem with the industry as a whole.

U get 2types of customer some who want the piece of mind everything is done properly and will pay a little more for quality. The other just want it the cheapest it can be thinking the warranty is their safety net.
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