What the f**k is going on ?!

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In order to control you & take away your freedoms & create a vaccine for a unicorn virus
A plandemoc was created !

It could not be done on without hysteria

They needed you locked in your homes living In fear of your life ! & you being dangerous to family & friends But they had you indoors
so the control & brainwash you via televisions & other media was easy

They would need to destroy economy , people’s businesses, life’s , mental well-being
life etc
But you have obeyed your masters

Your welcome
In order to control you & take away your freedoms & create a vaccine for a unicorn virus
A plandemoc was created !

It could not be done on without hysteria

They needed you locked in your homes living In fear of your life ! & you being dangerous to family & friends But they had you indoors
so the control & brainwash you via televisions & other media was easy

They would need to destroy economy , people’s businesses, life’s , mental well-being
life etc
But you have obeyed your masters

Your welcome
In order to control you & take away your freedoms & create a vaccine for a unicorn virus
A plandemoc was created !

It could not be done on without hysteria

They needed you locked in your homes living In fear of your life ! & you being dangerous to family & friends But they had you indoors
so the control & brainwash you via televisions & other media was easy

They would need to destroy economy , people’s businesses, life’s , mental well-being
life etc
But you have obeyed your masters

Your welcome

unicorn virus ?
In order to control you & take away your freedoms & create a vaccine for a unicorn virus
A plandemoc was created !

It could not be done on without hysteria

They needed you locked in your homes living In fear of your life ! & you being dangerous to family & friends But they had you indoors
so the control & brainwash you via televisions & other media was easy

They would need to destroy economy , people’s businesses, life’s , mental well-being
life etc
But you have obeyed your masters

Your welcome