Why Should I Prefer Dry Wall

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New Member
As i am also remodeling my old house and when i came to my walls i thought Why should I tear down perfectly good plaster walls to put up dry wall?
Dry Wall seems to suck! it doesn't breathe, and you can accidentally kick it in with a gentle nudge. I feel like older houses made with plaster seem to be better built and dry wall is just a current day quick shortcut to building faster and cheaper.
The only advantages I see with the dry wall is it looks newer, especially when the plaster cracks.
Why are we building with dry wall as opposed to plaster these days?
Also on new builds the regs are so ****** up that it requires fire rated boards, sound blocking boards, moisture resistant boards and shite like that...... but if its your own property do what you want put cow manure on the walls if you want.
Also on new builds the regs are so ****** up that it requires fire rated boards, sound blocking boards, moisture resistant boards and shite like that...... but if its your own property do what you want put cow manure on the walls if you want.

cow s**t. nice one , send him down the strawbale medieval route. like ya thinking.........:RpS_thumbup:
have you ever tried roughing out an internal wall in a new house? most internal walls are stud.... rough that if ya can

if you had 'perfectly good plaster' why would you even contemplate it 'tearing it down' anyway???
I dunno what exactly you're asking dude?

1 - why take perfectly good plaster down and put dry wall up? well.. don't, if its perfectly good you've answered that one yourself.

2 - why is it all dry wall nowadays and you get the feeling its for cheapness, well you felt right! everythings about making as much money as possibly for as little cost, one day dry wall will become the expensive way of doing it and something new and quicker will take over, and so on! ofcourse plaster is better, tougher etc/ but it takes longer, more gear etc/
its all down to money. And the new generation, aint being learned how to float a wall. Its easyer and faster geting em qualified drylining and skimming. its a dying trade old school.
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