Wooly hat time

Bigger problems here atm than a poxy hat

Wooly hat time
Work with joiner who wages shorts all through year. I went to put some trousers on begining of week but the were all in shed so shorts it was
Warming up now @algeeman , hope your day is ok , just asked client where’s the bog , no joke walked in, is someone taking the piss or what
Proper s**t hole
View attachment 27493

Out f**k**g standing.

I have one that nearly matches that. Sadly no photo.

Client wanted to show me something in his bedroom and there was a toilet plonked right by his bed.

I don't think it was the only toilet... or at least, there was a bathroom which I presume had a toilet in it but there is was, a bog by his bed.... no sink, no tiles, no fcuk all but a bog.
Am I being soft wearing a wooly hat already ??
Don't want to be the first man on site wearing one incase I look soft.
Think I'll keep my hood up and wait for the plumb sparks to wrap up first.
Good morning you old gits.
U don’t need no woolly hat with the amount of s**t u Chuck up the wall you’d be sweating your tits off bud
Been wearing my 'bunnings' hat (25p in the sale, grabbed a few) for 2 weeks now, mainly because when I took all the radiators bar the hallway off and left them outside for one night, some little ********** nicked them..