First post

First post

Can you shoot a gun
Have you ever spoken to a guy named *******
Have you every been to a medical professional who has diagnosed you as been mental unstable

Well after a week on here one of those items listed above will become more of reality than you think

Good luck

Can you shoot a gun
Have you ever spoken to a guy named M***m*n
Have you every been to a medical professional who has diagnosed you as been mental unstable

Well after a week on here one of those items listed above will become more of reality than you think

Good luck

Wtf my answer to those already are:
Yes and a variety
Yes and his name/nickname was the milkman
I have a piece of paper that defines my A.D.D and that was from a doc later in my early 30's as it wasn't picked up earlier..
Looks like I'll fit right in
A skimmed wall. Mesmerising
Might change it to today's under bay curve still awaiting a polish... :p First post
Wtf my answer to those already are:
Yes and a variety
Yes and his name/nickname was the milkman
I have a piece of paper that defines my A.D.D and that was from a doc later in my early 30's as it wasn't picked up earlier..
Looks like I'll fit right in

Might change it to today's under bay curve still awaiting a polish... :pView attachment 28395
I have a feeling you’ll fit in just fine! :sisi: