Recent content by Djr

  1. Djr

    Plaster Patchers Wanted

    Yes definitely. Big firms who do house bashing keeps good gangs going rough c**ts dont get paid for leaving sub standard shite and certainly dont get given another plot to start . Well the ones I work with definitely dont
  2. Djr

    Plaster Patchers Wanted

    Easy fil
  3. Djr

    Plaster Patchers Wanted

    All big sites have patchers snaggers. To do the easy film where walls get scuffed or lights and sockets are in the wrong place . Usually the old timers do it
  4. Djr

    Dot n Dab - Correct method

  5. Djr

    Help !

    My advice to your plasterer would be confiscate his trowel its extremely poor quality that
  6. Djr

    Soul destroying!

    Its catching on that finish lol
  7. Djr

    Sand cement

    Yes we used to plain around door casings to recieve skim after hardwall or tough coat or a quick tweak up the float beads
  8. Djr

    Sand cement

    Yes makes life easier angle plain it is then . Ha ha
  9. Djr

    Sand cement

    Not seen one of them for years . Wasnt they called a rab or something??
  10. Djr

    Dot and dab over render

    Yes friday at 12 monday at 12 always didcwhen I was younger the whole gang did it was the norm the boozer was crowded in them days
  11. Djr

    Dot and dab over render

    Dub it out ffs
  12. Djr

    Dot and dab over render

    No my favourite trick was to scratch a band 100mm above where we was floating then float the wall and tell our gaffer at the time we had to sub it out and get paid twice the meterage for it .
  13. Djr

    Dot and dab over render

    Done all the tricks myself. And yes to make that sort of money years ago in Manchester you had to work like a lunatic
  14. Djr


    Yes there good for floating
  15. Djr


    My uncle gave it me and some arsehole pinched it off site . Many years ago when we used to do loads of floating jobs