Dot and dab over render


New Member
I am having external 9 inch solid brick walls rendered over with a sand and cement render with waterproofer. Then they are then to be dot and dabbed over. Is this method of construction correct.
Not something I would do.i would skim render if damp is cured,the method you mention the dots behind the boards will take a long long while to dry out.and can be a pain when decorating.these dots can shadow through the plasterboard .and seem always wet.with the waterproofed in the render moisture from your dots on the back of the board has to come out on the face of the board and none can be taken in by the background.
Not something I would do.i would skim render if damp is cured,the method you mention the dots behind the boards will take a long long while to dry out.and can be a pain when decorating.these dots can shadow through the plasterboard .and seem always wet.with the waterproofed in the render moisture from your dots on the back of the board has to come out on the face of the board and none can be taken in by the background.
No , although Bedford is a pretty warm town and builder I worked for often did
need to get to the bottom of this @bof someone mentioned dabbing moisture board onto ex brick and skimming other day.
In the day when do and dab first came out we used to get £20 to scratch coat partie walls on new builds.that was upstairs and downstairs.then dot and dab over them.simple,we used to dot and dab get some mortar off brickies and sprikel it on the floor .the foreskin (foreman) would come in look at shite on the floor and think we had rendered.they robbed us so we robbed them.i am no cowboy but in them days there was a time you had to be.hard work to earn £150.
I am having external 9 inch solid brick walls rendered over with a sand and cement render with waterproofer. Then they are then to be dot and dabbed over. Is this method of construction correct.
Do you mean render is outside and rooms internally dot and dabbed?
In the day when do and dab first came out we used to get £20 to scratch coat partie walls on new builds.that was upstairs and downstairs.then dot and dab over them.simple,we used to dot and dab get some mortar off brickies and sprikel it on the floor .the foreskin (foreman) would come in look at shite on the floor and think we had rendered.they robbed us so we robbed them.i am no cowboy but in them days there was a time you had to be.hard work to earn £150.
Just realized this was posted 17th Nov
He'll be back soon with mould spots lol
In the day when do and dab first came out we used to get £20 to scratch coat partie walls on new builds.that was upstairs and downstairs.then dot and dab over them.simple,we used to dot and dab get some mortar off brickies and sprikel it on the floor .the foreskin (foreman) would come in look at shite on the floor and think we had rendered.they robbed us so we robbed them.i am no cowboy but in them days there was a time you had to be.hard work to earn £150.
Done all the tricks myself. And yes to make that sort of money years ago in Manchester you had to work like a lunatic
I bet you put fibreglass insulation just around the plug sockets and got paid to insulate the full wall.happy days!
No my favourite trick was to scratch a band 100mm above where we was floating then float the wall and tell our gaffer at the time we had to sub it out and get paid twice the meterage for it .
never heard of that one.sound they wouldn’t fall for them tricks our days.did you go on the piss, Monday and Friday. We did this meant over was normal them days.worked hard played hard .sometimes it was hard to pull the money back.but you always did.
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never heard of that one.sound they wouldn’t fall for them tricks our days.did you go on the piss, Monday and Friday. We did this meant over was normal them days.worked hard played hard .sometimes it was hard to pull the money back.but you always did.
Yes friday at 12 monday at 12 always didcwhen I was younger the whole gang did it was the norm the boozer was crowded in them days
Them days are gone now pal.wouldnt change the job I did for nowt.decent money and the crack was great.i have memories of the characters I worked with as l am sure you do.looking back it was great.i feel a bit sorry for the young ones coming up because money is the only thing on there minds.they are at work why shouldn’t it be.f**ck it duck a day with your mates and go on the piss.
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