Mr White 1
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    • Mr White 1
      Mr White 1 reacted to malc's post in the thread How would you react? with Like Like.
      It was a big mistake not finishing the work. The client will just employ another plasterer to finish the job and they will tell the...
    • Mr White 1
      Mr White 1 replied to the thread Job opportunity.
      You will struggle @Vincey Just lost my 3rd of the year. 27 years old, gave him a van and fuel card & paid him £450 a week take home...
    • Mr White 1
      Mr White 1 replied to the thread How would you react?.
      Worth adding don’t go threatening them with court, either send the paperwork or don’t. Courts take a very dim view of people...
    • Mr White 1
      Mr White 1 replied to the thread How would you react?.
      Probably not what you’d want to hear but - You should have finished the work Invoice as normal When payment doesn’t arrive invoice...
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