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  1. S


    some people are just unreal surley you would just give a job like that a go ya self
  2. S


    what did ya charge for that one then ha
  3. S

    I have just taken on an apprentice ..... oh my god !!

    sack him mate ill come n wrk for ya
  4. S

    have i been a naughty boy?

    were abouts in cumbria do you live mate
  5. S

    im so fookin sick

    theres fuk all the matter with my plastering every customer ive had has been happy with my wrk, prices tydiness infact some of them have said im the cleanest workman theyve had in their house i take pride in my wrk and never rip people off i just dnt have the contacts and the people ive...
  6. S

    im so fookin sick

    i know a few lads that are joiners n sparks but theyve already got lads that they get wrk for ive even applied for a window cleanin job that is minimum wage
  7. S

    im so fookin sick

    i just dnt no wat to do ive been thinkin bout jackin it in untill it picks up but its a foookin guessin game when thats gonna be..................... back to minimum wage oh yeah
  8. S

    im so fookin sick

    has any1 got any advice on how to get wrk in these shitty times cos the last time i did a job was months ago and ive foookin gave up >:(
  9. S


    me fathas emigrated to newzealand he says theres loads of wrk dwn there might jump on a plane f**k this shitty country with its morons that are supposedly running it
  10. S

    My new skimming Trowel

    a might start using a bigger trowel when a get sum wrk!!!!!
  11. S


    there isnt such a thing as a job in my jobcentre just a big line cumin out the door
  12. S

    Faces to names

    rememberd this thread today still a few people hidin away
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    plasterboard ... whats the difference ???.

    exactly some people like to do things there told not to do.......... strange!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. S

    plasterboard ... whats the difference ???.

    a took a ceilin down once n the board was the wrong way round n the plaster was fallin off in big clumps musnt of bonded very well..............
  15. S

    scrim tape

    better to scrim there than tempt fate..............and that silver scrim is shite dsnt stick
  16. S

    Some work

    a just cant seem to get s**t n the even crappier thing is theres nothing in the jobcentre for anything never mind plastering
  17. S

    high ceilings

    a was mate dnt worry
  18. S

    high ceilings

    can you be more specific..........................
  19. S

    high ceilings

    hat do you do if your wrkin on your own with stilts thn????
  20. S

    rusty trowel

    just buy a stainless steel 1 thn theres no arsin on.....
  21. S

    business cards

    just had some business cards designed and was wondering were the best place was to leave them my lass works in a sunbed shop were a live n it seems like every 1 from my area goes in there so a was gonna leave some there see if anything happens but cant think of the best plave to put the rest any...
  22. S

    What does the future hold?

    a was lookin in my local rag the other day for plasterers ads theres normally quite a few but there was sumthin like 3
  23. S

    First Trowel

    a would of thought the same way as gps your not puttin a thick enough coat on
  24. S

    flatten or not?

    a was talkin to a lad a know he said he puts 1 thick coat on when a told him a put 2 coats on he said youve obviously been taught by another plasterer he said it comes out just as good n takes you half the time but a think am gonna stick to what a know best
  25. S

    £7 an hour

    a suppose its not bad for sum 1 just coming into the trade that hasnt got much experience but its is a bit shite for experienced plasterers to be considering
  26. S

    what station do u listen to

    mostly radio1 but sometimes you get crap so a change it n see if a can find sum rock
  27. S


    all the lets get pissed
  28. S

    Cowboy customers

    why have wrk done if you cant pay the builder has every right
  29. S

    marshall amp

    av had it in the admag adtrader ebay asda cant sem to shift it its a canny amp aswell dnt know why a cant sell it av dropped the price twice
  30. S

    Faces to names

    nice tatooes mate a was thinkin bout gettin me shouldr down to me elbow tated just ponderin on what to get exactly
  31. S


    appoligies to any1 that read me wrong im here to be friends not make enemies and argue over things and be misenterprited(cant spell it) any way apoligies
  32. S

    one coat sponge finish

    av never had to think about it av always been fine just using a trowel
  33. S

    Faces to names

    god am good lukin!!!!!!!!!
  34. S

    Very large ceiling

    fookin hell that luks like a job n a half were did ya get the batten frame things did ya rent thm
  35. S

    one coat sponge finish

    whats the crack with that like av never even used a sponge float
  36. S

    Faces to names

    is any 1 gonna tell me how the fuk to add pictures
  37. S

    Anyone having problems with PVA?

    nowt wrong with geordies
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    PVA strength

    like a said tho you shouldnt be arsin on measuring it exact like your in sum cookery class just add sum water and wack it on just make sure its not too watery
  39. S

    tescos express

    it says on the can that its brewed in st louis and distributed in the eu so it cant be made in london or there lying
  40. S

    working abroad

    me fathas pissin off to newlzealand to live he keeps askin me to come with him am fekin considerin it
  41. S

    Faces to names

    how do ya add pictures ?????????????????????????????????????????
  42. S

    nothing working

    every things fine on my computer
  43. S

    day rates and what you would do in the day

    what are you charging for dayrates at the mo warriorupnorth?
  44. S

    PVA strength

    a dnt arse on anymore a just add sum water n get it on the walls but a would say its bout 3/1
  45. S

    tescos express

    asdas got 8 cans of bud for six quid at the moment
  46. S

    marshall amp

    who jim marshall the old bloke hes about 90 he should be in an old folks home
  47. S

    marshall amp

    do ya not class them as an instrument like ???
  48. S

    listen to this!!!!!!!!!!!

    a thought gaz was puttin this muppets numba on so we could all ring him up for his services
  49. S

    tescos express

    what cans bottles women?