PVA strength

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New Member
Alright guys, just a quick question,

What PVA strength do you guys use for your 2 coats of PVA on matt emulsion?

it all depeeeeeeends ..................it aaaaaaaaaaaaaal depends la ha la la .....it aaaaaaaaaaaaaal depends on the structuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaal backgrooooooooooooooond . ....................it allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll depends it allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll depends ..................so do what you thinks best but it allllllllllllll

;D.....at the start of the week you get 2-1 by the end of week were sending the lab down the shops to buy some milk :D
PVA whats that been using the old man fat for years no probs ;D ;D oops sorry thought i was on L&D forum wont do it again , ;)honest Danny
Spec for this is 1st coat 5:1 and 2nd coat 3:1 so 4:1 does the trick but try not to be too mean with the PVA
like a said tho you shouldnt be arsin on measuring it exact like your in sum cookery class just add sum water and wack it on just make sure its not too watery
pva comes in various qualities if cheep s**t ie wicks dont go more than 50/50 if good ie unibond plasterers pva 4/1 as it says on the tin
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