Search results

  1. The Hobo

    House built in 1989

    Me neither in 58 years at it
  2. The Hobo

    House built in 1989

    Your safe enough mate crack on forget the tubes on here 90 percent of them aren't plasterer's anyway
  3. The Hobo

    Glancing light

    You ain't done anything wrong m8 you can't shine lights on plasterwork
  4. The Hobo

    parking ticket

    Aye they done that in Stranraer every body ignores it
  5. The Hobo

    parking ticket

    Haha southern friends only use hawks be no good them lol
  6. The Hobo

    parking ticket

    Aye my daughter who woks in security never pays them.she says if you phone text or write to them your f**k*d that's her words not mine
  7. The Hobo

    Feather Edge

    Cheer's mate
  8. The Hobo

    Plastering small change in angle

    I still have some he sent me I tried it once no not for me
  9. The Hobo

    Feather Edge

    For once I agree with you and while I'm on merry Christmas and a happy New year to you and all on here
  10. The Hobo

    Feather Edge

    Aye the all use hawks to
  11. The Hobo

    Hi! Would appreciate coving advice

    Not bad mate just dampen area a bit of easy fill or similar let it dry then rub down with fine sand paper
  12. The Hobo


    Sponges! Leave em in bathroom where they belong
  13. The Hobo


    You ain't seen my Mrs
  14. The Hobo

    Old old plasterboard....too old?

    Aye it's a c**t on the up side though I don't miss doing bag and half mixes
  15. The Hobo


    Haha the old rum blew my brain yet again don't even remember posting that lol
  16. The Hobo

    Doing up our house!

    Aye and most of the nutters on here claiming to be spreads
  17. The Hobo

    Lime plastering

    Carry on as you seem to be doing it ok be a slow process though
  18. The Hobo

    Newly made bench for running cornice.

    I missed that one you cheeky c**t
  19. The Hobo


    Sorry Andy I'm still alive LOL
  20. The Hobo

    Can my ex wife claim half of my van ?

    take to the drink not the clink
  21. The Hobo

    Can my ex wife claim half of my van ?

    Sad fact of life mate women are strange beings I had three kids at the time she got the house too only a small amount of mortgage payments left c**t got a court order to put me out biggest laugh she commited adultery not me and now she's turned into a Jehovah's witness
  22. The Hobo

    Newbie. Deaf plasterer and lime plastering

    A deaf plasterer well he won't have a boom box radio annoying every other c**t
  23. The Hobo

    Can my ex wife claim half of my van ?

    Been here forty two years ago you got any kids mate if you have it gets even worse believe me
  24. The Hobo

    Looking for old school plasterer

    i think she lives in an old school maybe carlisle
  25. The Hobo

    SBR not killing suction

    I'm only a boy
  26. The Hobo

    SBR not killing suction

    What a load of tossers on here Andy not the place it was
  27. The Hobo

    SBR not killing suction

    This place is like a shipyard full of anchors
  28. The Hobo

    Bioethanol Fireplace Question

    It's quility m8 is outstanding Lol
  29. The Hobo

    Bioethanol Fireplace Question

    And how the hobo revolutionised the world of plastering
  30. The Hobo

    No bog brush

    Fingers m8
  31. The Hobo

    Electric shock ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️

    Had loads over the years but none as big as the one you will get off a mains fence on a farm if your clothes are wet that hits you under the jaw
  32. The Hobo

    Rendering job in France

    Lafarge is a french lime prouducer
  33. The Hobo

    New plasterer starting out

    f**k your hawk I will stick with @hector
  34. The Hobo

    The worshipful company of plaisterers

    Aye in London Google it lovely plasterwork they rent it out for function's etc
  35. The Hobo

    The worshipful company of plaisterers

    No but well into the history of it. It all relates back to the day's of the journeyman free to Rome the country without a sword getting rammed up arse Aye in London got the info Google it
  36. The Hobo

    The worshipful company of plaisterers

    No but well into the history of it. It all relates back to the day's of the journeyman free to Rome the country without a sword getting rammed up are
  37. The Hobo

    New plasterer starting out

    I would remind you I had just came in after a long days cornice job then a two hundred mile drive home that's not bad at 75 so that's the late posting go to bed
  38. The Hobo

    New plasterer starting out

    Handboard haha love you @hector
  39. The Hobo

    Hello to all!

    I'm all don't need it thanks anyway