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  1. F

    Need some advice

    What type of brick
  2. F

    Need some advice

    Answered the question for you
  3. F

    Need some advice

    Cause: paint Solution: sand blaster Prevention: Get someone that isn't colour blind to do painting in future
  4. F

    Advice needed

    I DON'T LIKE IT! it is a acceptable method and quicker and probably flatter, if he is not confident with sand and cement. What did the other wall come out like? Can't beat a solid wall tbh
  5. F

    Window protection

    Had the same with one of my foil wrapped windows. I used boiling water. Thought it Sounds drastic so I tried on bit of foil wrapped fascia. Done the trick came of easy. Window all good.
  6. F

    Advice please

    Done that the other week drove off with back doors open. Bag of self levelling on first corner 5ltr of white emulsion on second. Local kids came knocking 5 min later to tell me. Feckers grassed me up. Road only resurfaced a month ago. Neighbours well happy. Banksy ain't got nothing on me.
  7. F

    New logo

    Making your dreams a reality Untill hubby comes home
  8. F

    Fire fighter

    saying you work for government may give give you a sense of high esteem, no one mentioned your employment yet you make a declaration of victimhood because of said employment??? I can say also that I work for government and be truthful in that, but have no need to glorify myself and try to gain...
  9. F

    My view is

    No people's party will ever be allowed to exist whilst the media is controlled/ entrenched with the left wing, the only way politics can change is through the creation of a 5th column. A organised minority running for local governments, for whichever party is normally elected in that area...
  10. F

    My view is

    Think Nigel farage would have been the lesser of the evils, its a shame he had the charisma to shake things up. But even though he was only a civic nationalist, They branded him with whatever derogatory terms they could think of. Trashing another party to ensure we don't have a say. I think...
  11. F

    Fire fighter

    In fact why don't you just Google it and research yourself. I did and some results came straight up. And yes people with a immigrant background are given preference over others including English women. Cash incentives are offered on recruitment for police forces . And why are they allowed a...
  12. F

    Fire fighter

    Unfortunately it is true I will try to find the source tonight. They are contesting it but....
  13. F

    My view is

    They need to be regulated or brought into public ownership. Google, you tube and facebook, have and are interfering in political outcomes, taking away platforms for opposing groups. While also indoctrinating their employees. I remember reading an article talking about tech companies outlining...
  14. F

    My view is

  15. F

    My view is

    To me any form of superstate is a threat to us all. I'll be entering what some consider conspiracy territory, get your tin foil hats on. The ultimate aim is to create a one world government. Even for me this seems a protagonists dystopia, but when you look at world events over past decades...
  16. F

    Ox speed skim ?

    What megamix said.
  17. F


    He's from Mansfield, shop door probably blocked by large open sign
  18. F

    My view is

    I'm a fan of Putin, although not entirely convinced that he is all that he portrays. Used to make me laugh seeing him and Obama meet. Alpha male vs Beta male.
  19. F

    My view is

    I did have a bit of respect for you, I did think you had a decent standard of intelligence, but the more you spout the more it becomes obvious you haven't a clue. I commend you on having an interest in politics (shame more don't) but you really can't grasp how the world is currently run. You...
  20. F

    My view is

    Wonder what part the gimp plays in the background of his picture
  21. F

    My view is

    But they are part of the EU???. That fecks your beliefs up. Maybe they are being fecked with because they don't tow the line. Just as Britain is, we are being made an example of as a warning to others. And that is a frightening prospect, but I would sooner be on my knees and suffer the short...
  22. F

    My view is

    You can't answer to the reality actual life Bang on mate. Not many object to the EU in principle. Most would be happy being part of it, but it doesn't stop at trade. Its a formation of a superstate and a centralised government (UNELECTED) with its own army in formation. And they seem to...
  23. F

    My view is

    Salvini (Italy) Here's a man in it for the people not the career. Immigration down 95% The scaremongering of more immigration after Brexit is confirmed bullshite. We just need a leadership for people.
  24. F

    My view is

    You have summed him up, some of the rhetoric he comes out with is exactly that, antifa crap (unwittng government lackeys) ever wonder why they havent been shut down? Because they are a government tool. You can imagine them all sitting around virtue signalling to one another each time trying to...
  25. F

    My view is

    So when Africans, Indians Chinese move to areas and congregate to live within their own they are being unwittingly racist? And when immigrants say openly that they feel more at home whilst in a community with fellow countrymen they are racist. And when the government says they are good for our...
  26. F

    Used foam first time

    Been using it myself this week. Gone in today and there's no way your pulling them boards off, excellent stuff far superior to adhesive, and no mess ( normally) . Have you got a foam gun, well worth it more controllable and less waste, any half used cans just leave on gun screw nipple in and it...
  27. F

    My view is

    "B B But the EU don't make laws." Nooo they are taking away our memes and blogs, the pulp fiction of our day. And like pulp fiction of the past it has been able to be truthful and free from warping and stifling interference of the controlling mafia media and soft tyrannical EU state, but not...
  28. F

    My view is

    You cry out in pain as you strike out at others. How typical of your type.
  29. F

    My view is

    Oh dear never mind boy, your tunnel vision will clear up One day and the blinkers removed, but your narcissistic Marxist attitude will see you don't reflect and blame yourself. Go join your paid shills at Huffington post. I don't do newspapers or much t.v, I read up on both sides of a argument...
  30. F

    My view is

    They do say that political views can change when you reach 50 and become more right leaning and nationalistic. I guess because by then you have a vested intrest and a world of experience to reflect upon for your offsprings future. Unfortunately he is young and very naive. But allowed to vote
  31. F

    My view is

    it is a mental illness, unfortunately
  32. F

    Mansfield has the weirdest folk

    Handy though wasn't it
  33. F

    Nice Job

    Sounded a bit like someone who used to be forum member. Your right game is hard enough. Its a tramps job. You got lab.
  34. F

    Builders Bricklayers any advice on the best course of action

    Now you just listen out for the crash
  35. F

    My view is

    You'll have to go for re education and sit the modern belief and values test to earn your British citizenship back. Keenan can coach you. Failing that cut your dick off and re gender.
  36. F

    My view is

    Now your a climate change denier. Just as bad
  37. F

    My view is

    That's supremacist
  38. F

    My view is

    That would be cultural appropriation if you did and then you'd be a racist.
  39. F

    My view is

    You believe someone that wishes to live amongst their own is racist. So you must despise this? Or your a supremacist. By your own definition. You must dislike yourself and your ancestors not to will this to exsist in the future and forsake your childrens future for another group that do wish to...
  40. F

    My view is

    Fecking hilarious. You truly are a puppet of the state. Your a superior fecking joker. Another parroted comment from your years at further education. What you just said about living amongst your own, your hatred of that deffintion makes you a hypocritical self loathing victim of the state. I...
  41. F

    My view is

    You are right it was never ment to happen. They have done their best to ensure it from the start, if that doesn't tell you something about TPTB then you are lost. And for the one's that will protest when TPTB retract from democracy and stay in the EU, a word of warning the government have been...
  42. F

    My view is

    What makes you think immigrants pay in more than they take out, I can only assume your sources are not as unbiased as you make out, their are so many equations to consider including on how many generations you go back, being that they are concidered British after a few years and not included in...
  43. F

    My view is

    Have you noticed how remainer limp wristed liberals always try to stifle a argument with the same rhetoric, racist bigot. This has been the tactic of the far left for decades. The problem they have is facts totally counter their position so trying to silence free speach is their only option by...
  44. F

    Unhappy with recent coving job, what can I do?

    He has obviously allowed for contraction. As the freshly plastered walls dry they will shrink back and mitre will be spot on. Don't worry jobs good, it will settle.
  45. F


    Hello Butty
  46. F


    You need lab.
  47. F

    apprentice looking for advice

    Nice work by the way. I can see skills that you are picking up will be wasted at a council job. But do you think you'd get much opportunity outside of that job to do this apart from the v rare occasion. Or will you just be throwing pink about on sites. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  48. F

    apprentice looking for advice

    You get 420 a week. Plus 31.5 holidays a year and bank holidays plus up to 12 flex days a year = 50 days holiday. 6mths full sick and 6mths half sick money. A v.good government pension with good employer contributions. A company van and diesel paid for. All electric tools supplied and probably...