My view is

I was fully aware of that when typing smart arse I was just being honest and not just saying eastern europeans.!

Typical student cocky response I would expect!

Write prick as many times as you want or whatever insult you want. You've just come across as a racist to be honest. Anyway, mix up time

Write prick as many times as you want or whatever insult you want. You've just come across as a racist to be honest. Anyway, mix up time

I have no problem with that, I'm not a hypocrite given the choice yes I would prefer to live amongst my own and my kids go to a school where English is the 1st choice language and not in the minority.

Google page hall in sheffield and go and live there for a month and enroll your kids to the local school and see how liberal you are after a month.

Haha a picture is about as good as it gets as a far as a detailed argument goes. I have tried for a couple of years to not tar 17million people with the same brush. But not many leave voters do much to remove the stigma attached to them. A racist and someone talking about freedom and democracy. I'm out, head brick wall and banging comes to mind
You realise most of the media want us to leave yes? That's why there's zero mention of the million protestors in London yesterday in most of the papers. The more control Britain have over ourselves the more Rupert Murdoch and co can influence the Tories to lower taxes for the riches etc.

As for people who voted leave, most of them genuinely haven't got a clue is my observation. I asked a couple of mates the other day who keep posting leave s**t on Facebook what the single market is. They honestly didn't know what it was. Yet they can have a view on how brexit will effect the countries finances and immigration. It would be laughable if it wasn't actually serious
Brexit was always set out to fail !
But your words fail me
Fookim pussy no backbone & certainly not alpha moron !
This country is well fuked. We live in Manchester and see exactly what it's like not nicey nice suburbs

Haha a picture is about as good as it gets as a far as a detailed argument goes. I have tried for a couple of years to not tar 17million people with the same brush. But not many leave voters do much to remove the stigma attached to them. A racist and someone talking about freedom and democracy. I'm out, head brick wall and banging comes to mind
I can’t see why you would be banging your head against a brick wall, you haven’t tried to change anyone’s views with reasoned argument, all you have done is try to abuse them, you won’t win anyone over who has genuine concerns about immigration by just calling them a racist, that what liberals do when they want to shut the conversation down. You should read up about the EU from its conception, not just one book but books that come at it from both sides then you can make an informed decision and not the one indoctrinated in to you by government, teachers and lecturers.
I can’t see why you would be banging your head against a brick wall, you haven’t tried to change anyone’s views with reasoned argument, all you have done is try to abuse them, you won’t win anyone over who has genuine concerns about immigration by just calling them a racist, that what liberals do when they want to shut the conversation down. You should read up about the EU from its conception, not just one book but books that come at it from both sides then you can make an informed decision and not the one indoctrinated in to you by government, teachers and lecturers.
It's banging my head against a wall because the stupidity is honestly astounding, and I can tell they are the same brainwashed people I've been trying to speak facts to for 2 years with responses ranging from, we want our country back, we've got to adopt the euro if we stay, we don't want any more asylum seekers, sick of Europeans coming over and being on the doll, sick of being ruled by Brussels.
Immigrants pay more in than they take out, if there wasn't immigration we would be poorer as a country. You may argue it's not about money it's about taking back our country, but immigration is predicted by just about all sources to increase if we leave.
You may think we have to adopt the euro by 2022 if we remain, absolutely false.
Any EU citizen that comes here can be sent back in 6 months if they can't support themselves, the government just choose not to implement that EU made possiblilty.
We would still have to take in asylum seekers and we then wouldn't be able to send them back over to France as we wouldn't be in the EU and there'd be no freedom of movement.
We aren't ruled by Brussels, the elected heads of states including our own just meet there to talk about new laws that should be implemented, and the UK have agreed with all of them except I believe 70, in the whole time the EU has existed.
Pull your head out your arses and read up on it from unbiased reputable sources rather than the papers and shite on Facebook or what you hear down the pub.
It's banging my head against a wall because the stupidity is honestly astounding, and I can tell they are the same brainwashed people I've been trying to speak facts to for 2 years with responses ranging from, we want our country back, we've got to adopt the euro if we stay, we don't want any more asylum seekers, sick of Europeans coming over and being on the doll, sick of being ruled by Brussels.
Immigrants pay more in than they take out, if there wasn't immigration we would be poorer as a country. You may argue it's not about money it's about taking back our country, but immigration is predicted by just about all sources to increase if we leave.
You may think we have to adopt the euro by 2022 if we remain, absolutely false.
Any EU citizen that comes here can be sent back in 6 months if they can't support themselves, the government just choose not to implement that EU made possiblilty.
We would still have to take in asylum seekers and we then wouldn't be able to send them back over to France as we wouldn't be in the EU and there'd be no freedom of movement.
We aren't ruled by Brussels, the elected heads of states including our own just meet there to talk about new laws that should be implemented, and the UK have agreed with all of them except I believe 70, in the whole time the EU has existed.
Pull your head out your arses and read up on it from unbiased reputable sources rather than the papers and shite on Facebook or what you hear down the pub.

You go down to the "foreign" areas in Luton town.
Stop strangers in the street and ask their views on brexit.
They wouldn't give fuuck about it.
What they would care about is why are you in there part of town and how much money have you got on ya.

It wouldn't end well.
Have you noticed how remainer limp wristed liberals always try to stifle a argument with the same rhetoric, racist bigot. This has been the tactic of the far left for decades. The problem they have is facts totally counter their position so trying to silence free speach is their only option by introducing draconian speach laws to achieve this.

Being racially aware and proud is a badge of honour awarded to every racial group apart from whites, hypocritically by the same people that say race or gender does not exsist, they are nothing more than indoctrianated puppets of the government that have no critical thinking of their own.
That's part the reason why they are insisting that school kids have got to stay in education untill 18, for further indoctrination of political ideologies. Most people form their political views whilst in young adulthood on moving into the work place and through life experience, they've increased the age, ensuring that they are surrounded by the deeply embedded liberal left education system. And all the while Labour are trying to drop the voting age to 16, partly due to the immigrant demographics being in their favour.

The EU only aims to control it's citizens even further, not about the single market as initially agreed on, the formation of a unified EU army will in effect have no allegiance to any one nation and can be used as a tool against these nations to suppress any form of uprisings against the EU in the future.
Another of their goals is to get rid of physical money giving them control over whether or not you can feed your family and pay your bill if you've been a bad citizen and not followed along the extreme left's vision.
I think it is Norway that aims to rid of physical money within 10 years.

A insight into the lefty liberal snowflakes persona, throughout Europe right wing anti immigration parties have recently only been held back from victory by demographics, namely women voting towards the left. Which is partly understandable in the fact that they have a more nurturing nature in their biological make up, but goes to show the men that have the same political views have undoubtedly got oestrogen problems.

At the end of they day the thing liberals apparently treasure, multiculturalism is a law set by nature and continents, and is only destroyed by trying to integrate them as one. People are naturally inclined to gravitate towards people similar to themselves which is why large cities have suffered from white flight. And every terrorist attack from all sides only has the left to blame for creating the situation.
For Keenan to say media wants us to leave just goes to show his naivety, media is controlled government propaganda. The BBC a enforced publicly funded machine.
I can only assume he had spent too many years around liberals the great unwashed who aspire to join antifa a real government protected terrorist group doing their bidding.
It's banging my head against a wall because the stupidity is honestly astounding, and I can tell they are the same brainwashed people I've been trying to speak facts to for 2 years with responses ranging from, we want our country back, we've got to adopt the euro if we stay, we don't want any more asylum seekers, sick of Europeans coming over and being on the doll, sick of being ruled by Brussels.
Immigrants pay more in than they take out, if there wasn't immigration we would be poorer as a country. You may argue it's not about money it's about taking back our country, but immigration is predicted by just about all sources to increase if we leave.
You may think we have to adopt the euro by 2022 if we remain, absolutely false.
Any EU citizen that comes here can be sent back in 6 months if they can't support themselves, the government just choose not to implement that EU made possiblilty.
We would still have to take in asylum seekers and we then wouldn't be able to send them back over to France as we wouldn't be in the EU and there'd be no freedom of movement.
We aren't ruled by Brussels, the elected heads of states including our own just meet there to talk about new laws that should be implemented, and the UK have agreed with all of them except I believe 70, in the whole time the EU has existed.
Pull your head out your arses and read up on it from unbiased reputable sources rather than the papers and shite on Facebook or what you hear down the pub.
See there you go with the abuse again. Read about the birth of it not what you think you know, no one really knows where it is heading,it’s not just about trade, it’s the European army, it’s the Economic control, it’s the raising of taxes (I don’t mean making them higher) and the setting up of a Eoropean central bank. The idea of the European Union was to take sovereignty away from member states and it is still the goal today. The referendum thing first came about from Tony Blair who thought that a referendum on joining the Euro would be right because it was such a constitutional thing to the UK however he didn’t think the same about the EU constitution apparently this was just dotting the Is and crossing the ts. Being as the Uk is the only country that keeps to the rules we always advertise our infrastructure contracts over Europe where under EU law you have to take the cheapest quote and so the Queen Marry the Second was built in France instead of on the Clyde, the second Severn bridge was built using Spanish steel instead of Sheffield or Welsh steel, our last lot of rolling stock for the railways was built by Siemens and not the last railway carriage building firm in the UK, look at your smart meter it’s made by Siemens the UK manufacturing industry has been destroyed thanks to the EU whereas France and Germany carry on twisting the rules to suit themselves and not paying the fines as was the case when they refused to take UK beef after the BSE scare even though our beef had been passsed as fit again. Where was the financial help when we crashed out of the ERM? They gave it to Greece and Italy. Why did the EU overrule David Cameron when he wanted to make plastic micro beads illegal because of the damage to the environment and then four years later decide to do it themselves.
General DeGaulle never wanted the UK to join the Common market and vetoed it for years because although European we are not Continentals, we are very different from the continent of Europe.
These are a tiny example of the reasons I voted out, nothing to do with immigra
It's banging my head against a wall because the stupidity is honestly astounding, and I can tell they are the same brainwashed people I've been trying to speak facts to for 2 years with responses ranging from, we want our country back, we've got to adopt the euro if we stay, we don't want any more asylum seekers, sick of Europeans coming over and being on the doll, sick of being ruled by Brussels.
Immigrants pay more in than they take out, if there wasn't immigration we would be poorer as a country. You may argue it's not about money it's about taking back our country, but immigration is predicted by just about all sources to increase if we leave.
You may think we have to adopt the euro by 2022 if we remain, absolutely false.
Any EU citizen that comes here can be sent back in 6 months if they can't support themselves, the government just choose not to implement that EU made possiblilty.
We would still have to take in asylum seekers and we then wouldn't be able to send them back over to France as we wouldn't be in the EU and there'd be no freedom of movement.
We aren't ruled by Brussels, the elected heads of states including our own just meet there to talk about new laws that should be implemented, and the UK have agreed with all of them except I believe 70, in the whole time the EU has existed.
Pull your head out your arses and read up on it from unbiased reputable sources rather than the papers and shite on Facebook or what you hear down the pub.
What makes you think immigrants pay in more than they take out, I can only assume your sources are not as unbiased as you make out, their are so many equations to consider including on how many generations you go back, being that they are concidered British after a few years and not included in immigrant statistics . But just for arguments sake say they paid their own way. (which I don't think they do at all) all that happens is that the cake is larger but this doesn't mean you get a larger share. Consumerism has to forever grow in its own nature or it fails. I think you miss the point with immigration numbers, if we had a government that done what's best for it's own people and in return the people do what's best for the nation then that same government would have negligible immigration.
As for just about every source you read using the scare tactic of immigration increasing on leaving eu goes to show how gullible you are and how you lap up msm garbage.
Everything you have said so far is parroted from msm and just goes to show that seeking out alternative view points is not in you, even to better guide your own opinions
God you 2 are so deluded. Luckily I doubt we'll ever leave anyway so you won't have to see what a disaster it would be. The only downside is the remainers won't have the chance to say I told you so when it all went tits up after leaving. We'll just have to put up with you lot all saying how great it would of been and how democracy is dead. just in case you do some reading up and change your mind
@zombie just ignore that guy mate ,
To say someone is racist is terrible thing to say about you , or about anyone that voted to leave on referendum.
They say that because they have nothing else to say , most go on as if they have the answer to brexit but what does there almighty leader offer , corbyn? Nothing is the answer.
@zombie just ignore that guy mate ,
To say someone is racist is terrible thing to say about you , or about anyone that voted to leave on referendum.
They say that because they have nothing else to say , most go on as if they have the answer to brexit but what does there almighty leader offer , corbyn? Nothing is the answer.
"Given the chance I would prefer to live amongst my own"

Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

But yeah, I'm the bad guy
God you 2 are so deluded. Luckily I doubt we'll ever leave anyway so you won't have to see what a disaster it would be. The only downside is the remainers won't have the chance to say I told you so when it all went tits up after leaving. We'll just have to put up with you lot all saying how great it would of been and how democracy is dead. just in case you do some reading up and change your mind
You are right it was never ment to happen. They have done their best to ensure it from the start, if that doesn't tell you something about TPTB then you are lost. And for the one's that will protest when TPTB retract from democracy and stay in the EU, a word of warning the government have been training all the police forces around the country at a disused air base for hard tactical riot policing to teach you a lesson in democracy in a draconian state.

One day you'll be disgruntled at a government action and when you look around no one will be there to support your cause because the nation has been atomised through immigration and the gradually decay of a cohesive people. Then you can fall at the boot of your EU army and police state.
"Given the chance I would prefer to live amongst my own"

Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

But yeah, I'm the bad guy
Anyone will say they would prefer to live amongst there own, all races do it
Tbh you just twisted that to make yourself feel better
Anyone will say they would prefer to live amongst there own, all races do it
Tbh you just twisted that to make yourself feel better
I twisted a direct quote that I copied word for word? Righteo
"Given the chance I would prefer to live amongst my own"

Racism - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

But yeah, I'm the bad guy
Fecking hilarious. You truly are a puppet of the state.
Your a superior fecking joker. Another parroted comment from your years at further education.

What you just said about living amongst your own, your hatred of that deffintion makes you a hypocritical self loathing victim of the state. I feel for you
Fecking hilarious. You truly are a puppet of the state.
Your a superior fecking joker. Another parroted comment from your years at further education.

What you just said about living amongst your own, your hatred of that deffintion makes you a hypocritical self loathing victim of the state. I feel for you
I didn't say anything about living amongst my own or my hatred of that definition? What you on about?
@zombie just ignore that guy mate ,
To say someone is racist is terrible thing to say about you , or about anyone that voted to leave on referendum.
They say that because they have nothing else to say , most go on as if they have the answer to brexit but what does there almighty leader offer , corbyn? Nothing is the answer.
I get called racist for slagging the English lol
I didn't say anything about living amongst my own or my hatred of that definition? What you on about?
You believe someone that wishes to live amongst their own is racist. So you must despise this? Or your a supremacist. By your own definition.
You must dislike yourself and your ancestors not to will this to exsist in the future and forsake your childrens future for another group that do wish to exist whilst practicing in group acknowledgement. I diagnose you with a bad case of Stockholm syndrome, induced by a prolonged exposure to a entrenched, extreme left wing education system. Good GOY you get 100 citizenship points.
You believe someone that wishes to live amongst their own is racist. So you must despise this? Or your a supremacist. By your own definition.
You must dislike yourself and your ancestors not to will this to exsist in the future and forsake your childrens future for another group that do wish to exist whilst practicing in group acknowledgement. I diagnose you with a bad case of Stockholm syndrome, induced by a prolonged exposure to a entrenched, extreme left wing education system. Good GOY you get 100 citizenship points.
This the plasterers forum of Ku Klux Klan? Anyone who can't see that the comment was racist is themselves racist. Strange bunch on here
God you 2 are so deluded. Luckily I doubt we'll ever leave anyway so you won't have to see what a disaster it would be. The only downside is the remainers won't have the chance to say I told you so when it all went tits up after leaving. We'll just have to put up with you lot all saying how great it would of been and how democracy is dead. just in case you do some reading up and change your mind
That petition is pathetic. The desperation of the remainers is embarrassing.
So what, it’ll get millions of signatures. The decision is made. That’s what the referendum was for ffs :rayos::endesacuerdo::muyenojado:
Quite a revealing thread. It's alright lads. I won't bother you anymore with sense and my anti racist views, clearly they aren't welcome :hola: