1 house 1 day??

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thats it you found me out im only on here to groom you all then im going to lock you up in my garage and make small tools out of youre ears yyyyyyyyyyea hhhhha haaaaaaaaaa haaaa .........errrrr :-X ;D
just before cimbo last year i was doing a really old cottage with one coat had 3 bags on the table ..mixed it extra thick to get em on to finish job ....thing looked like closing counters with richard dreyfus in his lounge...
I done a 5 bag ceiling the other day but felt like retiring after lol.

sh1t how the feck did you do that.

So you actually laid on 5 bags??? Did you flatten before the 2nd coat, did you mix yourself?
Artex ceiling, had lab mixing up small fresh mix's and broke the ceiling into 3 sections.... a rolling set if you like.

do us a fave rich, go and do 'rolling set' in the faq.. its a bitch to explain init.. :)
ahh a rolling set, thats how you did it. The way you said it was like you done the 5 bags at once. sorry.

yes they are a pain to explain. ::)
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