15 KVA 3 phase genny hire in north west?

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Active Member
does anyone know of anywhere that has 15 kva 3 phase gennys for hire in the north west? preferably barrow mounted

I've got T/P looking for one for me but not much luck so far.
I needed one last year because of an over sensitive rcd but they are hard to get. It was for my Ritmo 240v single phase though and 10kva's was about £330 a week and only 1 company had one in.

I finished buying one from PFT Northern for £1k + vat (single phase) and have used it quite a few times since. More so on houses where the customer is out and no access to the fuse box. Had that problem this week.

PFT Northern did hire me one but you may need to have an account I don't think they hire to any Tom, Dick or Harry.
Wish I knew this when I had g4. We where paying 300 a week b4 we got a Genny. Fortunately contractor went half
I needed one last year because of an over sensitive rcd but they are hard to get. It was for my Ritmo 240v single phase though and 10kva's was about £330 a week and only 1 company had one in.

I finished buying one from PFT Northern for £1k + vat (single phase) and have used it quite a few times since. More so on houses where the customer is out and no access to the fuse box. Had that problem this week.

PFT Northern did hire me one but you may need to have an account I don't think they hire to any Tom, Dick or Harry.
From now on I'm using a genie on job even with access to the customers house.last 2 jobs we have tripped out a couple times a day on set up with the machine and pump plugged.
Not a problem as keep the genie away from the machine
I might be way off here, but does everybody not just plug into the mains on a house?

We were told not to plug into any sockets that were a separate garage or an extension, we did it on a job a few weeks ago plugged ritmo into a porch which tripped everything, so plugged into kitchen sockets which were part of the original house and it worked fine.

Also done it this week off a garage, plugged in to main house no problems thereafter.

Only a suggestion
I never plug Into a household supply, always an independent power source even for a kango etc. the only thing I'll plug in is charger for the Baterys for power tools or a kettle. If it trips and no one is in a fridge/freezer may be on the ringmain.
Some rcd boxes are that sensative now that a nick in a cable off a power tool will flick it off.
I had it last year with a sensitive rcd. Off the kitchen cooker socket as well. Neighbours houses it was fine.

Just that one in a hundred fuse boxes and I got it. But still good for a back up if the house is locked up and no access to the f, box.

Even a blockage can cause a trip.
Ritmos can be a bit trippy man! Easiest way is have the digital display showing amps and never ask it to preform if it is drawing more than 5.8 as it says below readout gizmo thing. We spray plenty of mono and base coat with a ritmo, 40 bags of mono this time of year is good going. They are better in winter really for overnight scrape, this time of year we use a G4 and get it on early, you have to spray a bit wetter with the ritmo , so scrape times are exaggerated. Bit of a pisser sat waiting to scrape @4pm if you aint got your act together. You have to be the boss with a ritmo they can be a bitch and if you try and slap the bitch inverter will trip. I found a good analogy was Shakespears " Taming of the Shrew".
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