18 ct gold toilet nicked.

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You need 24c gold for the pure s**t you come out with mate:X3:
give him time be like asking Heinz how many tins of beans they made :sleep:
I'm on Lidl own brand beans! Said I would never stray from Heinz but due to circumstances have had to re-evaluate my situation when British gypsum bring there prices back down might be able to readjust! It's tough at the top :ROFLMAO:
I'm on Lidl own brand beans! Said I would never stray from Heinz but due to circumstances have had to re-evaluate my situation when British gypsum bring there prices back down might be able to readjust! It's tough at the top :ROFLMAO:
I now ive beinz there
It’s an exceptional attempt by HMRC/tapit to catch out the tax evaders on here by getting everyone’s name and address.

You’re first @Tinytom...been nice knowing you!

Nothing in life is free.