2 dryliners looking for a work

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New Member
2 dryliners looking for a work(london and surrounding areas), over 9 years experience(all types of cielings, partitions, bulckheads, tacking, dop&dap), all tools and transport.
How much per metre for dop and dapping? Do you supply your own dapping compound and scrooz?
i need see the job first t tell u price for d&d,we don't supply dapping compound and scrooz, labouring only
No, this is a forum about taking the wee wee out of people who cannot spell to save their lives. I think you may not have had an English education have you boys?
Its nothing personal it just pisses people off when there first post is asking for work or what are the prices and welcome to the forum enjoy the banter :)
d*m**o is look for dib and dobbers. He have tools for supply also. If you need a machine drill he can supply for mixing up dobbing compound and laytex for waterproofing swimming pool
kebab go to a pub, have a few pints, maybe u gonna meet someone who can help u lower yours pessure. or diy
Looks like i've got some compettishun.

You're no match for me though, as I have one of these
2 dryliners looking for a work

and this
2 dryliners looking for a work
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hey bruvs. d*m**o is lookings for somebodys to do moisture boards for his swimming pool jobs. They are the boards that are green on one side and green on the other if you have not used them before. Give him a rings
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