9.5mm boards

Same as Tony, painting dab on the back so joiners can get skirts onto door reveals. Sorting other folks cock ups.
Does anyone use these for overboard ceilings if not what the fk are there uses
Foamed em to a wall after hack off where plaster blew but wanted to save cornice so only had 12-15 to play with (£% off damaged boards @John j)
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I never really used 9.5... always was 12.5 even on overboards...

the thought of lifting a 12.5 now though is making me wince
I mean that the 12.5 boards are less flexible than the 9.5, so if the existing ceiling is very uneven I need to put more screws in to keep the board tight to it.
No because you can plaster it flat
Well that would depend on how fkin uneven it is dipshit….are we talking just a few mil of skim to level it or half inch of bonding first?

Or you could do it the more obvious and logical way and pack joists out first to bring it below unevenness and then board it
Well that would depend on how fkin uneven it is dipshit….are we talking just a few mil of skim to level it or half inch of bonding first?

Or you could do it the more obvious and logical way and pack joists out first to bring it below unevenness and then board it
I float ceilings on a regular basis, never of steps, always on planks, a staged room. Packing is not the way forward Imo.
Well that would depend on how fkin uneven it is dipshit….are we talking just a few mil of skim to level it or half inch of bonding first?

Or you could do it the more obvious and logical way and pack joists out first to bring it below unevenness and then board it
I would just fill in any low spots and then skim, your method sounds harder and more time consuming, dipshit