A cracking question

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Either way id choose the worse part and hack off a section see if anything obvius underneeth.Its so many possibles we can have a guess and any could be right.
Act of God............. That is the insurance done over.........

Maybe they have upset the resident poltergeist! :RpS_scared:

You will be back over the next few days and the 'For Sales' signs will be up ! LOL
Best let a structural guy take a look, do a bit of investigating. He might want to expose founds, lift floorboards, borescope into the cavities to check brick ties ? Etc,etc. Could be any of what all the guys have mentioned:RpS_thumbup:
Save yourself a potential headache:RpS_thumbup:
Also we have had the wettest winter for ages, the water table is real hi, so all the ground is expanding, could be pushing the house upwards.
This is the outside the fascia soffit is very low down to the window on the outside but on the inside its a lot higher ?


  • A cracking question
    57 KB · Views: 202
I'm leaning towards somthing to do with the roof? The fact that the cracks are up high.If it was subsidence you would expect to see some crackin in corners of rooms, corners of windows at lintels? Is there any signs of cracks outside bigfella?
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So the rafters are bird beaked to the roof plate and extend down past the roof plate then. just another thought here when the house was built do u know if it had steel framed windows fitted ? cos if the DG company were dodgy they may not be re enforced bars in the windows ! have seen that a few times
My guess would be the wall plate moving. The insulation has allowed the snow to stay on the roof (is stopping it from melting) and the weight of it is pushing down on the roof and pushing the wall plate out.
Is the roof gabled or hipped? I bet its hipped with a shallow pitch.
I'm leaning towards somthing to do with the roof? The fact that the cracks are up high.If it was subsidence you would expect to see some crackin in corners, corners of windows at lintels? Is there any signs of cracks outside bigfella?
There's only one crack outside under a window
My guess would be the wall plate moving. The insulation has allowed the snow to stay on the roof (is stopping it from melting) and the weight of it is pushing down on the roof and pushing the wall plate out.
Is the roof gabled or hipped? I bet its hipped with a shallow pitch.
It's hipped I think but these cracks haven't just appeared over the the last few months they are a couple of years old
On my mum and dads estate all the houses have dropped eaves ( flat ceilings upstairs with a small skilling on the exterior wall). These have the same problem, the wall plate sits on the window lintle which gets pushed into the cavity. These are 1950's houses and it happens to every single one.
That's for all the feed back will talk with the customer tomorrow and take it from there but will let you know the results ( hopefully)
Like what four has said the wallplate has shifted slightly i wouldnt worry about it if it happened a while back, the weather the last few years has been odd. Heavy snow on random days through out the year, the weight and then drying out to then have more snow sitting, if they have had had insulation fitted in the last couple of years the roof will take longer for the snow to melt so the weight is there for longer. Maybe just put a few lengths of timber in the loft just to strengthen the roof (not needed but cost a few quid so might aswell) hack out the areas mesh then float and skim or fix coving to the lot. forget giving the money to a structural engineer he will only ask every question that has been asked on here and either get a firm to rip the place to pieces, charge a fortune and you wont get a sniff.
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