about to go self employed

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New Member
hi everyone i've been working for a building company for the last 14 years and i've decided to go it alone. i've got a NVQ level 3 in plastering, CCSC card, first aid, CRD checked and full clean driving license. im from Lancashire. If there is any one that can give me any advice it will be much appreciated.

Thank you
Best of luck, most of us are self employed, get yourself a contract template for jobs, have terms and conditions for payment , I never have but still think its the way to go, I am at the latter end of my career .websites are a good tool also,
Best of luck, most of us are self employed, get yourself a contract template for jobs, have terms and conditions for payment , I never have but still think its the way to go, I am at the latter end of my career .websites are a good tool also,
Come on John ,things are not that bad :RpS_crying: you still have a week or two in you :RpS_unsure: :RpS_wink:
start as you mean to go on...be reliable, and CLEAN and never ever cut corners, and remember a bad reputation travels quicker than a good one! Social media can be a good tool eg facebook, twitter etc, website is a good idea and try and get testimonials where you can.
Good luck, Alex. If you need any help or advice in getting set up as self employed, give us a shout or give the office a quick call. Our advice is always free :-).

Great advice regarding social media. If you have the time and knowhow, get yourself on Facebook, twitter, Google + and Linkedin. You can actually post across all 4 using hootsuite (my favourite), although other software is out there. I hope I haven't just confused you there - I'd go into more detail if it would be useful to you and others.
Good luck mate, one week we could write how happy i am and makeing a fortune and keeping all the lads going and then the next week we could write about.... the dark side lol the mrs, the customers, the head aches and thinkin about work whilst at home when u should be playing with the kids. I wish you well bud! :RpS_thumbup:
hi everyone i've been working for a building company for the last 14 years and i've decided to go it alone. i've got a NVQ level 3 in plastering, CCSC card, first aid, CRD checked and full clean driving license. im from Lancashire. If there is any one that can give me any advice it will be much appreciated.

Thank you
As beddy said to me a few months back when asked a similar question.."if I can Do It any re***d can do it".:RpS_lol:......:RpS_thumbsup:
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