addiction cost me everything

addiction cost me everything

Bird at the snooker
Best Dylan song for all you with little ones......forever young, listen to any version, especially audra Mae will make you (and the Mrs) cry.
just been listening to bob dylan, so so many great songs this man has wrote,but must agree with other views,... boots spanish leather is my fav dylan song, ...just listen to those words the perfect song
long thread this. cant believe phil collins hasnt been mentioned. seminal figure.

There's loads not mentioned, Bruce Springsteen , grateful dead including anything by Jerry Garcia, Willie Nelson and then of course there's Buck's Fizz and Right Said Fred, where would popular music be without them? Lol
There's loads not mentioned, Bruce Springsteen , grateful dead including anything by Jerry Garcia, Willie Nelson and then of course there's Buck's Fizz and Right Said Fred, where would popular music be without them? Lol
quite right dropsalot, personally not keen at all at all on bruce springstein,..........gratefull dead/jethro tull/ free/the who/cream/tom petty/rolling stones/eric clapton, so much good music out there
There's loads not mentioned, Bruce Springsteen , grateful dead including anything by Jerry Garcia, Willie Nelson and then of course there's Buck's Fizz and Right Said Fred, where would popular music be without them? Lol
agggghadooooo agggggghadoooo squash tomatoes etc etc ,klingons on the starboard bow starboard bow,...grandad we love you clive dunne,...whatsamatter you aye shaddup your face, your kisses for me bye bye baby bye bye paper lace,....tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree tony orlando,........ two spanish eyes teardrops keep falling from your spanish eyes al martino,and so o and so on
sorry save your kissers for me was brotherhood of man,.....paper lace had a song equally as bad called billy dont be a hero ,come back and make me a wife etc etc
What about the Toy Dolls? Brilliant musicians, looks a good show on YouTube , and their version of duellin banjos is ace.
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Just watched lazarus by david bowie after sqarehead mentioned it, to write that song and film that video knowing your dying, was a bit lost for words, made all the hairs on my arms stand up, everyone should watch it
I'm in a Greek restaurant now, Lodan, called lazarus. Weird. Synchronicity. Just waiting for the main.
Addiction in my early 20's cost me getting 4 teeth pulled out this year....luckily all back teeth.
Im now addicted to watching shite on tele about serial killers......shame i cant eat the fuuckers.
Addiction in my early 20's cost me getting 4 teeth pulled out this year....luckily all back teeth.
Im now addicted to watching shite on tele about serial killers......shame i cant eat the fuuckers.
Thought I recognised you :-)


  • addiction cost me everything
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Fair play to him..he luvs life..tbf he looks pissed and smacked up that mite have sumat to do with it lol

I know if i pushed my cock into "that"
It would snore and keep on snoring.

My missus would fuucking scream like the house is on fire "ya dirty b*****d"

Im starting to wonder ......???