amazing price for

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underfloorheating 1

if you advertise a product and people buy it dont you have to honour that under trade descriptions act rather than say 'oh sorry my mistake chaps'

And your revised price is a fekin rip off for unbranded mesh when you can buy branded for 60 unbranded is 32 tops. I bet its the chinese sh1te n all
im fairly sure they have to honour the price they had it up offered at originally,but i aint sure on the legality of it tho
my mrs bought something on line a while ago, a pair of shoes [there was a 100 quid difference] and theyd priced them up wrong she kicked up a right stink about it and long story short, she got them at the original advertised price.
It would be interesting to see what the legal obligation of it is,if you could be arsed looking into it.
no they don't. they may have a few years back but not anymore. i watched a programme on it ages ago.
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have a look at a buying off the internet landmark case.
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if you cant sleep tonight, its a good bit of bedtime reading youll soon dooze off :RpS_sleep:
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