an old new member


New Member
i say an old new member because
1, i registered in 2015 but never posted thats because after a divorce i wanted to get into this game but didnt know where to look or what to do and forgot about this place
2, yup im old at 47 and whats more im not a plasterer but a few years ago i did an NPA in plastering and tiling and aced them both but couldnt get started with anyone or get out on myself as at that time i didnt have a driving licence but after reading a few threads on here about older people starting out i thought 'f**k it'
so now im aiming to at the very least do some for family and friends especially at the darkness known as venetian plaster (im doing my own bathroom ATM)
im unemployed in glasgow but willing and hoping to go down south for work and living as im sick of the weather here (and thats just the summers)
i say an old new member because
1, i registered in 2015 but never posted thats because after a divorce i wanted to get into this game but didnt know where to look or what to do and forgot about this place
2, yup im old at 47 and whats more im not a plasterer but a few years ago i did an NPA in plastering and tiling and aced them both but couldnt get started with anyone or get out on myself as at that time i didnt have a driving licence but after reading a few threads on here about older people starting out i thought 'f**k it'
so now im aiming to at the very least do some for family and friends especially at the darkness known as venetian plaster (im doing my own bathroom ATM)
im unemployed in glasgow but willing and hoping to go down south for work and living as im sick of the weather here (and thats just the summers)
Sick of the weather lol, I’d me more sick of sturgeon if I was you but there we go
If I’m a communist then what’s it called when you blindly follow a leader who uses your tax money to make all his mates rich then puts restrictions in place that he doesn’t need to stick to himself?
If I’m a communist then what’s it called when you blindly follow a leader who uses your tax money to make all his mates rich then puts restrictions in place that he doesn’t need to stick to himself?

i never followed anyone, I have never socially distanced, never worn a pathetic mask, never took a bullsh it test, and guess what never been ill.

ill give an analogy , when I’m on a plane i always look to the flight attendants when going through turbulence etc if they are not panicking then I know all is good.
so from day 1 there was never 1 MP who showed any sign of panic or who run to the hills for cover, it has all been theatre the whole good damn thing.

without any real healthcare, without vaccines, without the pcr test how did the taliban run the Americans and British out of the country lol
why is the African population not reduced by half ?
florida Texas Sweden to name a few who had no restrictions and proof you have all been played, by bill gates and the wef.

you are very welcome
i never followed anyone, I have never socially distanced, never worn a pathetic mask, never took a bullsh it test, and guess what never been ill.

ill give an analogy , when I’m on a plane i always look to the flight attendants when going through turbulence etc if they are not panicking then I know all is good.
so from day 1 there was never 1 MP who showed any sign of panic or who run to the hills for cover, it has all been theatre the whole good damn thing.

without any real healthcare, without vaccines, without the pcr test how did the taliban run the Americans and British out of the country lol
why is the African population not reduced by half ?
florida Texas Sweden to name a few who had no restrictions and proof you have all been played, by bill gates and the wef.

you are very welcome
Just incase you don't know, flight attendants don't fly the plane, they give out the food and drinks.
I'll give you an analogy, when I'm in a hospital, I always look to the hospital porters when having medical advise, if they are not panicking then I know all is good.
i never followed anyone, I have never socially distanced, never worn a pathetic mask, never took a bullsh it test, and guess what never been ill.

ill give an analogy , when I’m on a plane i always look to the flight attendants when going through turbulence etc if they are not panicking then I know all is good.
so from day 1 there was never 1 MP who showed any sign of panic or who run to the hills for cover, it has all been theatre the whole good damn thing.

without any real healthcare, without vaccines, without the pcr test how did the taliban run the Americans and British out of the country lol
why is the African population not reduced by half ?
florida Texas Sweden to name a few who had no restrictions and proof you have all been played, by bill gates and the wef.

you are very welcome
Mates father in law was same as you, said it’s all a load of shite and refused all the vaccines. Got took into hospital last week and had to phone round his family on Friday to say his goodbyes as doctors said he might not make it, he still in now and hopefully going to pull through. You know the first thing he asked when he was getting wheeled into hospital? Can you give me vaccine now please.
i never followed anyone, I have never socially distanced, never worn a pathetic mask, never took a bullsh it test, and guess what never been ill.

ill give an analogy , when I’m on a plane i always look to the flight attendants when going through turbulence etc if they are not panicking then I know all is good.
so from day 1 there was never 1 MP who showed any sign of panic or who run to the hills for cover, it has all been theatre the whole good damn thing.

without any real healthcare, without vaccines, without the pcr test how did the taliban run the Americans and British out of the country lol
why is the African population not reduced by half ?
florida Texas Sweden to name a few who had no restrictions and proof you have all been played, by bill gates and the wef.

you are very welcome
leonardo dicaprio bravo GIF
1st vaccine reduces your white blood cells by 25% second vaccine is done in the time frame of 6 weeks to hit the white blood cells again reducing them to 75% as that is when the body is regenerates new ones.. Then you get hit with a booster shot which contains strains of hiv /aids now any one with an auto immune problem is going to be hit the hardest followed by anyone to pick up a silly flu when your body is at its weakest... These viles have been tested on when people are are taking them from a vaccination center.. If you think for one minute that this virus is going to kill you you need to give your head a wobble.. My missus has been a nurse through the start and laffs constantly at the bullshit about hospitals being buisy doctors were playing cricket in the hallways nurses sunbathing.. Potentially allowed to work right up until vaccine rollout with no so called signs of covid yet shes about to loose her job for not getting one.. I feel more sorry for innocent people dying for nothing there blatent murders.. But im sure your going to go and que up to help the process of funding there pockets
Mates father in law was same as you, said it’s all a load of shite and refused all the vaccines. Got took into hospital last week and had to phone round his family on Friday to say his goodbyes as doctors said he might not make it, he still in now and hopefully going to pull through. You know the first thing he asked when he was getting wheeled into hospital? Can you give me vaccine now please.
Mates father in law was same as you, said it’s all a load of shite and refused all the vaccines

Don't take any of what I'm about to say personally. I'm responding to what you said, but it's not actually aimed at you, personally and it's not aimed at your mate's father in law, personally. It's just deconstructing what you said in order to point out that the story doesn't actually prove anything.

Got took into hospital last week and had to phone round his family on Friday to say his goodbyes as doctors said he might not make it,

So, he went to hospital, and the doctors scared the crap out of him by telling him he had a potentially fatal lurgy, so, in that frightened state, he rang his family because the doctors advised him to.

Doesn't prove that he had a potentially fatal virus.

Doesn't prove he was actually at death's door, either, even if they told him he was.

We're ALL at risk of dying, of something or other (thousands of possible ways) EVERY DAY of our lives.
We ALL get ill, from time to time. Having a 'test' done that supposedly 'proves' one is infected with a virus doesn't necessarily prove it as an absolute fact. There are numerous ways in which a test can be inaccurate (or dishonestly devised or manufactured or promoted) or in which a test can be inaccurately or dishonestly interpreted, or one or more of many other variables.

You know the first thing he asked when he was getting wheeled into hospital? Can you give me vaccine now please.

So, after the doctors scared the crap out of him, to weaken his resolve, he gave in to the fear, and accepted the narrative that there is a big bad lurgy and that the jab is helpful.

It doesn't prove he really has the alleged big bad lurgy, and it doesn't prove the jab has any worthwhile improvement upon his health or longevity.

Again, not being personal, but what you've described is very similar to a Daily Mail story Hector quoted in the covid thread, a couple of weeks ago: husband didn't want to get jabbed, then fell ill, then wife expresses regret that he could've got the jab but didn't. Doesn't prove that the alleged lurgy is as they claim it is. Doesn't prove that if he'd had the jab, he would've been totally OK. Doesn't prove that the victim is even a real victim, for that matter. Doesn't actually prove a damn thing, but it serves a narrative, in an effort to mop-up some of the stragglers who've so far refused to be jabbed, but who may be susceptible to some scaremongering about other stragglers who've supposedly ended up regretting their refusal.

I don't doubt that the story you related may be true, in your circle of friends, but the point is that it doesn't actually add any proof that the mainstream narrative is true (y)

By the way, I'm not someone who believes all the scaremongering about jab side effects, but I'm also not someone who believes all the scaremongering about a big bad lurgy and the supposed necessity to have a foreign substance repeatedly injected into the body in order to be safe from it, to some degree.
It is obvious that there is ongoing psychological warfare and brazen manipulation and scaremongering going on, from multiple angles, in the public domain. It's not a simple matter of right or wrong, true or false. It's a hail of bullets from multiple directions, confusing the heck out of people. Choosing to believe one of the many camps in the fray, and then eagerly believing their claims, is missing the point by a country mile. There are far too many people saying they don't believe the mainstream narrative, but then regurgitating scaremongering allegations about the awful, terrible side-effects of the jabs, as if they have been absolutely 100% factually proven beyond doubt.
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Mates father in law was same as you, said it’s all a load of shite and refused all the vaccines. Got took into hospital last week and had to phone round his family on Friday to say his goodbyes as doctors said he might not make it, he still in now and hopefully going to pull through. You know the first thing he asked when he was getting wheeled into hospital? Can you give me vaccine now please.

that’s just an anecdot btw. Care to explain how Florida and Texas have live normal lives throughout?
it’s an anecdote so means absolute nothing my fri
an old new member
an old new member
ive blanked my mates names out if that is ok. Group chat is called what’s the goalie dain as it refers to the rangers commentary team when scott brown punted the ball up and dembele lobbed the keeper.