an 'unprofessional' professional job.


New Member
Hi, having built a wall and done a scratch coat I bottled it and got a couple of 'professionals' to do the topcoat of render. Well that was a mistake. Having made sure mine was mm perfect it is a mess. Any suggestions on what I can do? can I go over it with another coat? do I need to 'start again'? can I sand it? K-Rend it? Any help gratefully received.
an 'unprofessional' professional job.
an 'unprofessional' professional job.
You can’t just go over that without knowing loads.
What was in the mix? How long is it on for before being addressed again?
Ask @Rigsby rendering ninja
wish I had done it myself @MakeItSmooth would have been better! thought easyfill was internal only. Anyone used PlasprimeX was thinking about spraying it on, rebuilding and going over the top? and yes they did end up finish as the light went. @Rigsby sounds like you're 'the man' any view?
Of you haven't got one bu y a cheap breaker and take it all off and start again. Alternatively rib lathe all of it and start again.
wish I had done it myself @MakeItSmooth would have been better! thought easyfill was internal only. Anyone used PlasprimeX was thinking about spraying it on, rebuilding and going over the top? and yes they did end up finish as the light went. @Rigsby sounds like you're 'the man' any view?
Expanding foam.

Cover it in expanding foam and cut it back with a two man saw.

an 'unprofessional' professional job.

Paint on cement and sbr slurry and sand back with a brick. Bada bing. Also happens to be safer if you smash your head off it when you're lashed.