Angle beads question

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Hi I'm reskimming an old chimney breast and was wondering if there is an angle bead I can use on the external corners. Normally I'd use standard skim beads but these corners are not 90 degrees, it's an old Victorian house and the edges of the chimney breast are 45 degree angles with triangles at the top and bottom, would you recommend following the edges with stop beads?
heres a picture to explain better Angle beads question
Alreet marra, welcome to the forum. Aye, thin coat stop beads would be the way ahead...............where you from Jjj??
I'm from Nottingham. Would you recommend attaching the beads to face and following the shape. Thanks for your response, it's appreciated
I would probably go down the side like you normally would with a bead, but i doubt it matters. You might have to dab them on rather than nail em
Dab the beads up as said, you don't want to end up repairing the corner if you knock it off nailing the bead up.
I think they call them birds beaks I like fecking about doing them. Best way for you is 3mm stop beads from wicks nail on with leckies clips just pull the nail out and be careful when nailing beads and the beaks I just do free hand.
alright bud im from round your way to lol id use thin coat stop bead ether nail it on or stick them with some spray contact adhesive
Dont use thin coat stop. Find some 135 degree skim beads, you can fix them on both wings, muc
Edit: like this Link Removed

Or use a mini mesh skim bead and push on so the wings splay to suit the angle. MAB Minimesh Angle Bead
might try that next time i tackle one of these danny i cant stand them mesh beads though they do my head in lol
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