Another 3 deaths

Just been to do visit
In a one of the Hm prisons
Not one lockdown
Not separating anyone /welcoming all new inmates
All visitors welcome
Not isolating anyone
Not one death from a cold recorded

Your welcome
Just been to do visit
In a one of the Hm prisons
Not one lockdown
Not separating anyone /welcoming all new inmates
All visitors welcome
Not isolating anyone
Not one death from a cold recorded

Your welcome
They haven't been having the flu vaccine for years though. Old and weak have!!
I Thank you..

Your more than welcome.
Get a life ya sad t**t..ur not even a plasterer,ur a planted mole who has nowt better to do than come on a plasterers forum and Sprite your utter shite,ur a fat lonely man who's never worked a day in his life who sits in his bedroom wanking all day and spreading shite and scaring people ya sad t**t..I'm far from a knobhead,u dont know me,if 10 people on here thought I was a knobhead it dsnt matter one bit to me as there dont know me,people who know me know I'm not a knobhead which what matters to me,not some fat sad t**t sprouting shite on here ya sad t**t...morning
This virus has identified a huge amounts of flaws with the human race our behaviours, financial system and general way of life, I’ve mentioned it before Over population has the biggest impact on our way of life and some correlation has to be made with these new disease and how they are formed ( all the serious ones started in over populated regions of China).
Common sense shows us the worst effected regions of the world are major cities.
Would be ironic if Prince Philip got it. Be f**k**g funny, actually. He was asked once what he'd like to be reincarnated as and he said a deadly virus, so he could do something about overpopulation. Nazi past coming out there.
@Mike googlebottom
Reincarnation is like when somebody dies and they are reborn as somebody or something else. Maybe an animal, or a knobhead. Dying is like when you go to sleep but you don't wake up again
Can you or anyone tell me how when an Islamic martyr goes to heaven they get 50 virgins , seems a bit sexist
How does that religion explain justify the male ego imbalance
Can you or anyone tell me how when an Islamic martyr goes to heaven they get 50 virgins , seems a bit sexist
How does that religion explain justify the male ego imbalance
I'll bet you look good in a burka.
I'll bet you look good in a burka.
Is that an Arctic Monkeys track

Went to a fancy dress party once , the theme was anything beginning with the letter S
Took a tin of black boot polish and went as a shadow , bit of a mistake , should have used something less messy
Interesting reaction from the wife (y)
Can you or anyone tell me how when an Islamic martyr goes to heaven they get 50 virgins , seems a bit sexist
How does that religion explain justify the male ego imbalance
What is a dead dick gonna do with 50 virgins, seriously a dead man has no use for 50 or even 150 virgins.
Is that an Arctic Monkeys track

Went to a fancy dress party once , the theme was anything beginning with the letter S
Took a tin of black boot polish and went as a shadow , bit of a mistake , should have used something less messy
Interesting reaction from the wife (y)
a little imagination you could have gone as the ace of spades
Only 4 per cent of population are Muslim, but 25 per cent of deaths. Needs to shut down mosques. Its the extended family thing
i like the Chinese people...

just got greedy rulers
like the greedy f**k**g yanks

I like everyone
expect site agents
I know there just doing their job....

actually I fuucking hate sparks
and gangster wanna be young cuunts
and woman on periods
and soggy onions in food
You f**k**g take that back Chris or there'll be trouble.
There's nothing wrong with soggy onions.