Another artex question

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??? Hi I'm new to all this so could any one tell me the reasons y artex celling bubbles ?
I have been asked to do an over skim on artex celling they mentioned that when they have had there other cellings skimmed is that it bubbled and fell off when pva'd ? Also it hasn't happen to every celling just some ? And how can I prevent this and test if will fall off with out actually skimming it and then falling off lol any ideas please ??
its a good chance that the bubbles that you are talking about are quite big, this will probably be the artex coming away from the ceiling. the problem is probably not you skimming and your preping but the preping that the artexer did in which case you should try and scrape ALL the artex off or reboard it mate ;)
Thanks will mention overboarding it but if I have to scrape the artex off do I still pva it if it scrapes back to board ? I think it's all dry lined ?
make sure youre pva is thicker, rather than thinner, let first coat dry, then apply second, then when tacky skim.
Artex can have a habit of atracting grease and residue, mainly cos its shlt and it attracts shlt.

PVAing over grease wont help even though grease was a fantastic film and is ace in sausages its poo for ceiling adhesion
nelly said:
Artex can have a habit of atracting grease and residue, mainly cos its shlt and it attracts shlt.

PVAing over grease wont help even though grease was a fantastic film and is ace in sausages its poo for ceiling adhesion

Brilliant! ;D ;D
think you will find that a lot of artexers were just covering up bad ceilings and walls on domestics,alot of which had either distemper emulsion underneath or blown plaster ,if the artex is stuck alright ive never had any probs when you scrape the highspots of just try getting your scraper inbetween ceiling and artex if you can then overboard ;)
i posted about this problem a couple of times pal if you search you should find cos too many factors affect skimming over tex... cant be bothered writing it all again but the short of it is you are not really suppose to skim directly over artex with pva. seen the problems had it out with BG guy said to me never do it. but its such a common job, if you dont the next guy will
bg /artex /bpb/ think you may find are in the same firm.....they are pushing artex smooth it compound as the product to cover unwanted artex..i have tried this product it has to be applied using caulker hard work getting a finish takes twice as long than multi and costs £17 25kg it seems to be to soft to use on walls ..and they say that when its dry before you paint it you must apply stablex .. :-\ whos gonna wanna use this apart from the sunday sams
richardbrown said:
I always skim over artex using just pva and have NEVER had a problem
As do prob 85% of people doing it rich, like i said if you turn it down or offer a more expensive overboard option the next spread will be in. All i am saying is you are not suppose to use pva and skim dirctly over artex thats it. I have seen the problems and had the reasons explained thats why I always overboard. BG will NEVER advise anyone to pva and skim over. most spreads just dont know they aint suppose to. its not a spec-the products aint friends with each other
tex it all said:
bg /artex /bpb/ think you may find are in the same firm.....they are pushing artex smooth it compound as the product to cover unwanted artex..i have tried this product it has to be applied using caulker hard work getting a finish takes twice as long than multi and costs £17 25kg it seems to be to soft to use on walls ..and they say that when its dry before you paint it you must apply stablex .. :-\ whos gonna wanna use this apart from the sunday sams

I agree tex it all lad. but this is what i was trying to say. IS this the actual spec, i suggest so. Thats why BG tell you to do it this way but I think I will stick to overboard.
Artex it's like Russian Roulette, you don't know till it's too damn late!!! Blebbin up and dropping off, never had a problem till a few weeks ago, couple of days before The King there, I managed to save mine! Bloody stuff!! However, face your fears and do it any way, cos someone else will!! ;D
Thanks for all the help but can any one tell me if I scrape the artex off back to board do I still pva the board or will kill all the suction ? I have always been told never pva boards ?
I would p.v.a. it mate as them boards have been up a long time and as they are in a house with heating the suction on them is going to be very fast
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