Any one do airless ?

I’ve just gone over to airless and I’m on my 3rd big job with the machine. One thing to watch out for is bumps in backing plaster/boarding problem I’ve had is they don’t show up till the sanding stage. Over all though it’s a quality finish
Don’t get what you mean mate
The only airless jobs I do are private one offs. I work with a project manager who builds nice houses for joe public. He will only have airless as most of the stuff he builds have massive windows with loads of light flooding in, which means the finish has to be spot on.
I’ve not done any site work with airless, and to be honest, I don’t want to.
Think on site you would struggle as the boarding would be s**t and there is very little margin for error.
I’m really considering going down the airless route was on a job last year I did all the external work while guys were doing inside u could tell they were on the ball very tidy work he said he was stacked! Most plasterers do I suppose but he said he never go bk to traditional
i keep looking at it.
i tried it in slovinia with jub nearly 2 years ago.

ian crump from paint tech came with us.

what i cant get my head around is. 1 bed.... may be 1 day for a spread.

airless 3 days.

and i didnt find it as hard wearing as skimming. so easily marked with a slight knock
i keep looking at it.
i tried it in slovinia with jub nearly 2 years ago.

ian crump from paint tech came with us.

what i cant get my head around is. 1 bed.... may be 1 day for a spread.

airless 3 days.

and i didnt find it as hard wearing as skimming. so easily marked with a slight knock
This is mate if you get 3-4 living rooms say you can go to 2 houses one day and plaster then next day sand up then do other 2 next day then go back sand up and Friday go to all jobs and paint white wash ready for customer to paint there colours you have done 4 jobs with paint in a week not bad pay day on Friday
as for it marking easy once it’s painted it fine
Guys, 1) Gloss paint would need to be keyed, emulsion paints can be sprayed over. 2) speed wise in a single room, I would agree traditional would be as quick if not quicker in terms of wverall time, but airless would enable you tp prep and first coat in a morning, work elsewhwere in the afternoon, increasing productivity.
i keep looking at it.
i tried it in slovinia with jub nearly 2 years ago.

ian crump from paint tech came with us.

what i cant get my head around is. 1 bed.... may be 1 day for a spread.

airless 3 days.

and i didnt find it as hard wearing as skimming. so easily marked with a slight knock
Airless 3 days for 1 bedroom?
No mate you could do 2 coats in a day the pop back the following morning and sand up. Bare in mind you could do that bedroom with 2 coats in
1hr 30mins then go onto next job and even a 3rd then go back following day and do sanding in each 3 jobs 2 day £££
No mate you could do 2 coats in a day the pop back the following morning and sand up. Bare in mind you could do that bedroom with 2 coats in
1hr 30mins then go onto next job and even a 3rd then go back following day and do sanding in each 3 jobs 2 day £££
and what about over artex or new boards? cant get it to sanding stage in that day can you?

not having a pop just trying to gwt my head round it
No you won’t get to sanding stage same day mate. Well you can but it’s not worth the risk of ballsin it up. Just get a fan heater and a fan in the room you in will help it loads. It’s cool mate I know some people want to learn and others just don’t want to understand it.
we are plasterers but are moving over to airless and it’s best thing we have done
No you won’t get to sanding stage same day mate. Well you can but it’s not worth the risk of ballsin it up. Just get a fan heater and a fan in the room you in will help it loads. It’s cool mate I know some people want to learn and others just don’t want to understand it.
we are plasterers but are moving over to airless and it’s best thing we have done
think i need to see it in site.conditions rather than a demo day... really interested in it though
Thing is you need to be open minded it’s not plastering by any means it’s a different form of plastering if you get my drift plastering is a skill. This is its own skill in its own right. If that makes any sense
We are general builder and fully qualified sparks so for us it’s to speed our progress up we already spray paint which has taken off really well so we may as well go the full hog
You might be using a different plaster to me. What I’m spraying could never go over artex and give a good finish. I’m pretty new to using it so might change my mind with a little more experience with it

Well it won't be any good for domestic then will it as you can fill out to around 5mm even a bit more with multi over 2 coats to get a nice flat finish....some walls are all over the place. Can't see it being any good other than for large rooms where the walls are good...just need skimming..don't think I've ever had a job like that in 15 years.
I’m about to do a 200year old place in wales. It’s booked in for may time i will get some pics up when we doing it. im here at mo prepping and doing sparks and pipe work and stuff
This is the place. We have taken the job on as the last builder did a bunk with over £200k of customers money


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