Anyone ever had trouble getting paid from site work?

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Just wondering, because I went to price a job up last week, labour only and got it straight away. A good rate too.

Payment on completion, which means I'm going to be without pay for a few weeks.

We're supposedly doing it all through a guy at the site. I'm guessing HE'S putting the price in to make a drink on us, then paying us after. My mate has worked for him before and got paid ok.

I'm asking because I don't do much sitework and wondered if this was a normal set up?
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a would find out exactly who is paying u no who 2 speak 2 if theres any probs.av came across fly men well think their fly men.any messin aboot .got 2 let them no ur no a dafty.
going without pay for a few weeks,lol.of course this is normal mate.i allways get paid on completion.obviously if its 3 or 4 houses then invoice after house 1 is often would u normally get paid?
Just wondering, because I went to price a job up last week, labour only and got it straight away. A good rate too.

Payment on completion, which means I'm going to be without pay for a few weeks.

We're supposedly doing it all through a guy at the site. I'm guessing HE'S putting the price in to make a drink on us, then paying us after. My mate has worked for him before and got paid ok.

I'm asking because I don't do much sitework and wondered if this was a normal set up?
If you that worried ask for a stage payment ,but as Bobby said it is the norm ,but it still don,t stop you worrying ,best of luck
going without pay for a few weeks,lol.of course this is normal mate.i allways get paid on completion.obviously if its 3 or 4 houses then invoice after house 1 is often would u normally get paid?
Who said it was houses? What if its a large building with 1000's of m2 in? do you wait till the whole building is finished? The normal practice with a subby would be to invoice after every 2 weeks.
make it quite clear BEFORE you start that you want a stage payment after 2 weeks, if no payment then walk ,bad enough losing 2 weeks money but better than losing weeks, still sounds very dodgy to me , if he was genuine he should be telling you that you will get paid every 2 weeks,
i would not touch it with a barge pole. money every week ,dont take any chances with money. the builder is trying to use you as extra credit and once he has the work complete he may stall your payment.
i have run a plastering business since the 1960s and there is no way i would work for this agreement
Who said it was houses? What if its a large building with 1000's of m2 in? do you wait till the whole building is finished? The normal practice with a subby would be to invoice after every 2 weeks.

Yeah it's an old large building being knocked about. We're just doing the external walls which is just under 1000m2 dab and skim.

I usually only do full house reskims, new extensions etc. and arrange with the builder weekly payments. My own domestic jobs, I also get part payments at regular intervals.

I'll know more tomoz about payment terms, contractors etc.
Id offer 2 weeks invoice then payment third week so he's got a week on you but I dont think it matters when he pays you if he hasn't got the money he wont pay, same risk for anyone working for a new bloke
I wouldn't touch it on those terms mate. I was once offered a nice job where I asked him about payments and mentioned the fact that I'd never heard of or dealt with him before he generously offered me an extra £ per M right away. That made me even more suspicious and after making a few enquiries about him it soon became obvious that half the county were chasing him for money. If you're not comfortable with the terms offered, walk away :RpS_thumbup:
yes. thats why im only a deomestic plasterer these days, plus its hard to make real money on site these days coz of s**t prices. i dont bother anymore. i earn more in domestic plastering and its come and go as you please, so better for me.
Starting this job next Weds.

Guy has agreed weekly payments in cash! :RpS_thumbsup:
Still a bit worried as he has ripped some people off in times gone by, but apparently he's all good now......

Main reason to go though, is to get known to the main project manager guy, who might be the step on the ladder to some decent work at last...
i do jobs like that all the time, end of the day if they dont pay they get houndetil they do pay. up here we have to wait 2 months to get paid on site, its hellish but worth it in the long run.

if i was you i would go for it mate, works that scarce at the moment. mabey even mention to the guy that your worried about getting ripped off and see what he says.
i do jobs like that all the time, end of the day if they dont pay they get houndetil they do pay. up here we have to wait 2 months to get paid on site, its hellish but worth it in the long run.

if i was you i would go for it mate, works that scarce at the moment. mabey even mention to the guy that your worried about getting ripped off and see what he says.

2 months to wait to be paid, to risky id say.
I did a stint as a debt collector, and have learnt that softly softly simply doesnt work.

if he stalls payment he will definitely be getting a knock on the door.
i do jobs like that all the time, end of the day if they dont pay they get houndetil they do pay. up here we have to wait 2 months to get paid on site, its hellish but worth it in the long run.

if i was you i would go for it mate, works that scarce at the moment. mabey even mention to the guy that your worried about getting ripped off and see what he says.

its 2 months 4 me 2 .
2 months to wait to be paid, to risky id say.

we get the option take it or leave it, we always get paid, i think its a matter of they get worried about problems happening i.e a rubbish job or it falling off.

dont you guys down south doing direct work for big mobs have to wait to get paid
we get the option take it or leave it, we always get paid, i think its a matter of they get worried about problems happening i.e a rubbish job or it falling off.

dont you guys down south doing direct work for big mobs have to wait to get paid

no, it is weekly payments or we would not start . we do not finance builders thats the banks job. at the moment we are turning away work every week.but i can see that you are having it tough up there.
i know of one essex plastering contractor who will go bankrupt within the next month as the building contractors have gone bust last week owing them thousands of pounds. why take this risk ?
I did a stint as a debt collector, and have learnt that softly softly simply doesnt work.

if he stalls payment he will definitely be getting a knock on the door.

What would you have done with Dave -'Freeman of the Land' ???:

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Heh heh good on him. Council tax is robbery. also goes to show that softly softly just doesnt work.
If I was collecting the councils money walked away.
If I was collecting my money...I would like to think I would have grabbed him by the throat and dragged him to the bank.
That is actual food from my childrens mouths he is stealing.

Failing that I would have paid someone else to get it for me.

Depends how much it is really.
If I was collecting the councils money walked away.
If I was collecting my money...I would like to think I would have grabbed him by the throat and dragged him to the bank.
That is actual food from my childrens mouths he is stealing.

Failing that I would have paid someone else to get it for me.

Depends how much it is really.

So you would have sold the debt then? I suppose it does come down to how large a figure it is, which is why I try to make sure I get paid within the week, cos I ain't no-one else's' bank. :RpS_thumbup:
im having trouble getting my money at mo meant been payed weekly not paid me this week 2moro goin to be a VERY interesting day
Good man :)

Me mate started this last week. Nothings ready. Walls to be dabbed have nails sticking out along with pipework that wasn't there before or discussed.
The long runs of walls have now all been seperated with steel stud into lots of smaller areas which wasn't mentioned.

Instead of us being able to blitz it they are prepping up one room at a time. And not even managing that.

Reskim walls have now become patch and skim of even float and set which wasn't discussed.
They've also got the ceiling fixers in BEFORE us which wasn't going to happen.

All the other trades are ignorant mardy tossers until you lose your rag, then they're nice as pie.
NOT happy. But he did get paid cash on a day rate.
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