I don't think that anything is as good as weber rend aid if u have a back round that your not sure about ,yes it can be pricey but it does the the job i use it whenever I can give you a nice even background to work on if I was rendering my own house I'd rend aid and mesh the lot ,it's a shame that a lot of builders /contractors won't pay for it ,it was save a lot of probs later on down the line and for the record we always use 10mm angles and 15 mm bells and stops all stuck and never nailed as I feel nails can make a plastic bead twist the time it takes to nail them into concrete blocks u may as well knock up a couple of buckets of gear once you've mixed up u can really get them on quick and dub any out that need it ,
and by the way we've done a couple of next day scrapes with weber and yes it wAs rock hard lucky we had our fitzomat from pft to help us out ,great bit of kit will get u out of trouble
think I'll go back to same day scrape with weber for a while lol