Anyone gone next day scrape with weber yet????????

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Not long ago, we had a Mono job where the bricky had recessed his quoins with only 8 to 10mm depth to play with. After discussions with Parex, they recommended coating all elevations with Microgobetis to stop ghosting problems.
So in theory we could micro the Walls stick 6mm beads heavy and one coat the ******* by hand with no ghosting issues tidy
parex will advise micro on any substrate if you let them. its a cover all base angle.
To be fair some of the shite blocks around nowadays that are classed as 7 newton blocks but contain allsorts of rubbish ie recycled class, plastic etc, or celcons, give it a splash of micro to avoid any comebacks.
I don't think that anything is as good as weber rend aid if u have a back round that your not sure about ,yes it can be pricey but it does the the job i use it whenever I can give you a nice even background to work on if I was rendering my own house I'd rend aid and mesh the lot ,it's a shame that a lot of builders /contractors won't pay for it ,it was save a lot of probs later on down the line and for the record we always use 10mm angles and 15 mm bells and stops all stuck and never nailed as I feel nails can make a plastic bead twist the time it takes to nail them into concrete blocks u may as well knock up a couple of buckets of gear once you've mixed up u can really get them on quick and dub any out that need it ,
and by the way we've done a couple of next day scrapes with weber and yes it wAs rock hard lucky we had our fitzomat from pft to help us out ,great bit of kit will get u out of trouble
think I'll go back to same day scrape with weber for a while lol
Naughty naughty spunky bad boy
micky boy we got ours from les at pft had it a while and never used it not something I would use everyday but as a get out of trouble thing it's great also it gets it nice and flat ..
Not sure really it's what I've always done we got it free when we bought our g4 and its just sat in the lock up do u use one mate ??
Interesting about the beads. I also use on refurb 15mm stop and drip but stick on 10mm angle. When I used Weber I put a tight slither of renderaid behind the bead and angle to avoid and salts coming through. These days SPS Granicem L. 8mm C+G backing render and 10mm Granicem scraped back to 7mm. Need to be spot on ruling the C+G base with only 7mm to play with top coat.

Doing one now and hope to spray Monday. Usually this stuff at 15mm is an overnight set so I am hoping a Monday mid day spray at 10mm will still be ok by next morning.

I did a late evening spray last may and it was just on the hard side at 7.30 next morning and set hard by mid morning but with the damper air and colder nights I am hoping this time it will be ok.

Worst would be still too wet and half scraped by 4pm. I did a Primo in November once. On by 11.30 at 8c but damp air and down to 2c at night and it was just ready for I sectioning at 4pm next day. Left it till the morning after instead and it was rock hard!
U on drugs Rigsby? I though you retired and all that!

Working on it. Trying to find a paye job but cant even get an interview. Might have to soldier on a bit longer. Elbow still not right and haven't laid a m2 on in a year. Did 12m2 in July, sloppy as hell on Sbr and the pain came back. Chiro say,s 2 years recovery if I am careful.
iv got a eibenstock powerfloat with scraper attachment and i think theyre the nuts on mono. bit of a nack to it but a lot easier and nice and flat. only thing is if you slip or switch off you can dig a big hole in the wall
Can't they operate Rigsby?

I have had a bad financial year what with my elbow and the rain up to August. I was hoping to be able to have had an operation next month but I dont have the money. The NHS could take donks and would be at anytime of the year. Having it done privately next month would be a good time because we don't do a lot in winter.
How much is it? Worth getting a loan for?

I don,t know without seeing an orthopaedic surgeon. Between 1 & 2k i would think. It is not a big op. Had a knee job done in 91 for £650 and a nose job in 94 for £1700.00, that was 20mins under the knife widening a nostril. For 37 years I talked like I had a blocked nose. This year the bank balance has not grown at all, just earned enough to pay my way.
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