Anyone got any Arenino?

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tom wales

New Member
Hi. My mum's house was finished with a white arenino about 18 months ago. It was using the bauwer system of rinzaffo, bauwer light, finish and then a white arenino as a decorative top coat. The top coat if cracking in place and it could use 5 - 10 bags of white arenino to redo bits of it. Anyone got some about? Find it hard to source to in the UK at the moment. Also anyone used the bauwer products in West Wales?
Hi. My mum's house was finished with a white arenino about 18 months ago. It was using the bauwer system of rinzaffo, bauwer light, finish and then a white arenino as a decorative top coat. The top coat if cracking in place and it could use 5 - 10 bags of white arenino to redo bits of it. Anyone got some about? Find it hard to source to in the UK at the moment. Also anyone used the bauwer products in West Wales?
I have one bag of it in my workshop, how come it’s cracked?did you do a mesh coat before the arenino application? Any pictures
I'm not sure why it's cracked. Did a mesh coat with the bauwer finish underneath. Possibly not wet enough info underneath before applying. Will post some photos soon
Hi. My mum's house was finished with a white arenino about 18 months ago. It was using the bauwer system of rinzaffo, bauwer light, finish and then a white arenino as a decorative top coat. The top coat if cracking in place and it could use 5 - 10 bags of white arenino to redo bits of it. Anyone got some about? Find it hard to source to in the UK at the moment. Also anyone used the bauwer products in West Wales?
